Bonfire of the Goverments

Posted by straightlinelogic 2 years, 9 months ago to Government
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There is no limit to the pandemonium either centralized actors—governments and globalist institutions—or decentralized actors can wreak. Infrastructure is never completely protected. Electrical grids can be short-circuited, water supplies poisoned, transport and logistics disrupted or destroyed, and the internet sabotaged. The World Economic Forum’s Cyber Polygon “simulation” may well be an eerie harbinger of that last possibility, just as its Event 201 in October of 2019 presaged the Covid-19 pandemic. We’re still early days in chaos’s lengthy run.

Controlling chaos requires energy, resources, and production. While there is no way to determine the mathematical relationship between chaos and control (remember Get Smart?), that it is direct and exponential seems a reasonable hypothesis. Herein lies the contradiction at the heart of the globalist design. They are fomenting ever-increasing chaos while destroying the energy, resources, and production necessary to control it

This is an excerpt. For the complete article please click the above link.
SOURCE URL: https://straightlinelogic.com/2022/03/16/bonfire-of-the-governments-by-robert-gore/

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  • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 9 months ago
    Fear, threat, peril. Emotion, perception, event.
    I am not worried as I have been minimizing my dependency on anything outside my direct efforts of survival for two years.
    Last year's harvest can carry me and family through mid-winter 2023. By the end of this year's harvest I'm secure through early 2025. Contingencies already made for zero oil/gas energy resources.....early 19th century preparedness. Consortium of like-minded and actionable participation over 100 souls and 1000 non-contiguous acres of highly productive lands. If SHTF these numbers, in my locale, shift up by a factor of 10 within months. Let Rome burn, we'll be The Phoenix.

    Metro areas over 50k will suffer most. The scavengers will come foraging. We get to select breeding stock or fertilizer.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 2 years, 8 months ago
    Excellent informative essay! if I'm correct in saying that there will be a slow collapse of western and Asian economies. The way the Biden puppeteers are running the country could lead to the fracturing of the USA.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 8 months ago
    Robert excellent essay it is hard argue with it , particularly if you look at my posts over the last six years . I have been saying much of the same thing. But to nit pick a bit. “The stopgap is coal, ironically the dirtiest fuel“
    No wind energy is the dirtiest. First off the steel towers and the blades take far more energy to create than they will ever produce. Second the batteries that store the energy take a massive amount of open pit mining to produce destroying the landscape. Thirdly the batteries as they fail will become hazardous waste. Fourth they devastate the local bird population. Like most failures that are policy for the Deep State thugs, as an analogy, to put out a fire you pour gasoline on the fire and withdraw the firefighters. Putin is different than the rest of the corrupt Western leaders. He rejects the LGBTQ bullshit, he calls them out as Satanic worshipping NAZI world Order tyrants looking to install a Technocracy. He knows it is not good for his nation just like Trump knew it was not good for ours..
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 2 years, 8 months ago
    Thank you; for posting another long-awaited essay. Very fascinating information. If Chaos continues on its path that is what Puppet Biden has stated that we are going to suffer. The idiots in the Whitehouse have no idea that people will get angry and upset to rise up against Washington DC
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