No We Do Not Have to Shrug... Do We?
Posted by net5000 12 years ago to Philosophy
So do we shrug or do we take back the ship, plug the holes and make the Looters walk the plank? Who's territory is it. Do we have to leave or do they? In 1776, the Producers sent the Looters back to England. Looters and their Royal sympathizers got on ships and evacuated the 13 states. Then a home grown crop of Looters burrowed their way back in with the same promises. Always promising "Protection and Safety". "Protection and Safety". "Protection and Safety". "Protection and Safety". "Protection and Safety". Layer after layer of "Protection and Safety". Not even a promise they could keep no matter how much money or freedom they extract as the price. Never trust the promise of "Protection and Safety". It is the "Stone Soup" tale over and over again.
“We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse.”
1.according to Strong: one would force industrialized civilizations' collapse. I suggest voluntary removal of one's production/support
2.rabid, anti-human nut job who once proposed one would have to obtain a license to have a baby. environmental nut jobs in the legislature making laws and regulations based on untruths are partially why I suggest sinking the ship, so to speak
lost, are you a big greenie?
I certainly do not agree with the quote by Strong, and while I agree your proposed methods are different to his, the notion of "sinking the ship" being the fastest or most efficacious means of restoring the world to some utopian state is common to both.