Marco Rubio Ticks Off the HuffPo's on Climate Change

Posted by $ bigjim 12 years, 1 month ago to Science
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"Marco Rubio Not Convinced Climate Change An Actual Problem"

It's always fun to see the HuffPo's get their panties in a wad. And you have no idea how much it hurt to put this in the "Science" category.

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  • Posted by net5000 12 years, 1 month ago
    It's a war between site generated, decentralization of energy production and centralized control of energy production and distribution. Big Oil vs Big Wind or Big Solar. Keep it local, private and site produced and you can keep a measure of freedom. Study the Rand example. The role of unlimited energy in the pursuit of freedom. Control of energy, resources and means of production were the levers and gauges of Looter control. Scarcity is a Looter tool, plenty is freedom. But be cautious lazy capitalists can covet scarcity in the pursuit of profit. (Monopolists that seek to benefit from inducing scarcity are not necessarily "Producers".)
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    • Posted by khalling 12 years, 1 month ago
      ok, I was with you until here. are you suggesting property rights create artificial scarcity? and therefore are a tool of lazy capitalists?
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      • Posted by net5000 12 years, 1 month ago
        Just saying that registration, regulation, subsidies, production limits are clearly Looter tools to control markets. But there are others that would try to control markets. Are free markets the goal? Competition?

        So would you endorse patents, copyrights or subsidies as barriers to competition? Do Producers have to produce... or to still be a producer, can they just be inventors, investors and owners. I am 100% in favor and fully respect property rights. The owner has every right to his property. Looters would tax it. Moochers would live in it free. But by definition is the owner a acting as Producer, Looter or Moocher? My statement was just that he was not acting as a Producer.

        What precisely are Owners vs Producers vs Looters? Did Ian Rand really address the roles of property owners? Are we talking about roles in certain situations? Is there always sufficient incentive that owners will produce or will they hoard until the incentive is maximized and then produce at a higher price. Clearly they have the right to do as they wish with their property but are they then still Producers or just potentially Producers.
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        • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 12 years, 1 month ago
          Hello net5000,
          Patents and copyrights with limited time period protections are good and encourage creation, and investment. Subsidies (gov’t) are market distortions with long term detrimental effects. If a venture is economically feasible and has a good probability of reasonable ROI private funding/ investors will in a free market provide the capital. There is no need for gov’t picking winners and losers and the predictable distortions.

          Owners who do not produce but horde their resources are irrelevant unless they have government regulation in their favor that inhibits competition. What resources are so scarce and critical to an economy that they could eliminate competition? Monopolies that serve their customers well in spite of competition are good. It means only that they are satisfying the demand and offering fair exchange. I am not in favor of most long term monopolies in general because they are often products of government interference in the free market.

          If someone wishes to create competition for themselves there is no better way than to stop supplying a demand. This is what an entrepreneur does best. Find a demand and supply it. It is government regulation that is too burdensome for start-ups and little companies that allow mega-corps to monopolize, excepting for those who really offer fair exchange. If on the other hand a large corporation starts to charge too much, or reduce quality, without cronyism they will find competition springing up to take market share.

          When a person already accumulated resources they have already been a producer. What good does it do them to hold onto them (they can’t take it with them)? If they drive the price up by holding them, then it just becomes even more attractive for competition to fill the need. Do you have an example of someone capable of cornering the market long term without government influence?

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          • Posted by net5000 12 years, 1 month ago
            My most recent memory was when the Hunt Brothers were said to try to corner the silver market and were slapped down by some part of the government. I should learn more about it. I agree with everything you have said. I just didn't think it through. I am the product of a good, free market, capitalist education but it has been years since I heard anyone agree and the same number of years having to listen to what I come to find out are "Looters". I was just so happy to listen to the Audible version of Atlas Shrugged last year and 3 times since that am touched to know it was not all lost. For me it started with Junior Achievement, college was Advertising and then 35 years of entrepreneurship where I still clock in 18-7 to fight the fight.I feel like Rearden without that level of success.
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        • Posted by khalling 12 years, 1 month ago
          Owners=producers. as are inventors. both use their intelligence to decide where to invest their time and effort. To exclude them would be to adopt Marx Labor Theory of Value.
          Patents and copyrights are property rights not barriers to competition. In fact, the only way in which a society gets wealthier is by increasing their level of technology, which means inventing. History shows that without property rights for invention, the rate at which technology increases is equivalent to the rate at which population increases. that's why Ayn Rand said they were the most important property rights.
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  • Posted by net5000 12 years, 1 month ago
    Better yet take all the CO2 that we are supposed to be producing. Create an industry around it. We can package it and ship it to the equatorial jungles to re-forest at higher rates to increase wood and pulp production, lower the cost of timber and paper. It would increase the planetary oxygen levels and that might improve clarity of thought. CO2 the humanitarian solution. Imagine the CO2 produced in trucking CO2 to the Amazon. The jobs. The opportunity for regulation and taxation. Trees along the the routes would flourish. Jungles would threaten road. The environmental impact statements would help to mitigate the increase in paper pulp production. We could build an industry, a nation, re-shape the world. But not a Gulch world, just another opportunity for Looters and Moochers. That's why you have to think past the superficial. Use logic.
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  • Posted by itisntluck 12 years, 1 month ago
    Hey yeah....let's shut down "BIG OIL" so wind power and electric cars will have a chance. I guess those pencil-necked liberals never heard of Solyndra or the electric car batteries that catch fire or blow up. Oh yeah, these are the same batteries that have grounded the new Dreamliner. It didn't take the media long to sweep that fact under the rug.
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  • Posted by khalling 12 years, 1 month ago
    getting panties in a wad is science, so I don't see your dilemma. :)
    I wish he would have said opportunity cost rather than cost/benefit . I believe it is more central to the problem of faith based global warmers.
    fav line "the United States is a country not a planet."
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  • Posted by net5000 12 years, 1 month ago
    CO2? Capture it and use it in secondary oil recovery to Frack like Denbury does in Mississippi. Sequestered at 10,000 feet it is harmless and a resource. We are talking about the CO2 that plants (trees) use to produce oxygen. We breath the oxygen. More oxygen is good not bad. Maybe it's not the increase in CO2 by man but the decreased use by plants. Blame the plants not man. It's all junk science. What are "1 million tons" of CO2? Bet the planet doesn't weight 100 tons more. JUNK SCIENCE. If you really care, plant more trees and build more plants. Tax it and you just make the Looters rich again. Scam artists. Scam science. You have to use logic. Go past the silly excuses Looters use to make claims against producers.
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