Bombshell: CIA Officer Openly Confesses To Rigging 2020 Election For Joe Biden And Says They Would Do It Again

Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 11 months ago to Entertainment
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A CIA officer has confessed that the ‘Deep State’ rigged the 2020 election in Joe Biden’s favor, and has boldly admitted that the agency would do it again.

Former CIA officer John Sipher claimed in a stunning Twitter thread that he took “particular joy” in discrediting the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” narrative and enthusiastically admitted to “shifting” the election away from Trump.

Sipher was among the many “intelligence experts” who falsely claimed the Hunter Biden laptop story from the New York Post back in October of 2020 was part of a “Russian disinformation campaign.” reports: A March 18th report from the New York Post mentioned how Sipher was among those “officials” who’d “signed a letter saying that the laptop ‘has the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.’
Yet, these 51 purported intelligence experts didn’t have any evidence to back up their assertions at the time – they were merely operating off a convenient hunch that happened to behoove the Biden campaign right before the election.

This letter they’d all signed on to was published on October 19th of 2020, a mere five days after the New York Post dropped the bombshell story on the laptop that has since been validated by a myriad of outlets – to include the New York Times.

Clearly, the massive cover-up and attempts to discredit a valid report by clamoring about Russia during an election year had some consequences.

Come March 27th, Grenell shared a screenshot of Sipher’s Twitter account, writing, “lol. He signed the letter saying Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation.”

Sipher’s response seemed smug in nature, as he replied to Grenell stating that he bears a sense of pride that his own breed of disinformation resulted in impacting the election in Biden’s favor.

“I take special pride in personally swinging the election away from Trump. You’re welcome. Maybe cowardly Dick forgot he blocked me for the last several years and only unblocked me to give me credit for swinging the election.”
The irony of Sipher prefacing the post with “Just to be clear” to go on and deliver the most nonsensical art of the spin is the chef’s kiss in all this. Sipher is claiming that he and others didn’t claim “the laptop wasn’t Biden’s” but merely that “the story” was shared for “disinformation purposes.”

That makes zero sense considering the October 2020 report from the New York Post was about the Hunter Biden laptop and the contents and communications discovered on it. The laptop was the story – to call the “exploring and amplifying” of the report “disinformation” is to quite literally call the laptop itself a piece of disinformation.

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  • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 11 months ago
    What can we do with the persistence of time?
    The persistence of time in on their side.
    Through the persistence of time the trail grows cold and they'll never pay for swinging the election. The persistence of time is etching Biden's acidic policies and oxidizing our nation.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 11 months ago
      Of course, they'll never pay for rigging the election. One of the culprits is even unafraid to brag about being proud of unconstitutionally throwing an election for a doddering senile bad joke for a dangerously gaffing Puppet-In-Chief.
      Hell's bells, just within the last week me dino was opining that the CIA is likely as corrupt as the FBI, since the FBI is corrupt as all hell.
      Now this bit turns up. Yup. Told ya so!
      Thanks, Dobrien. Hopefully, such revelations of the truth will eventually set us free from traitors, globalist domestic enemies of the Constitution out to enslave We The People by destroying our Republic while deceptively huffing
      and puffing how they want to "save our democracy."
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