EXPOSED: Mitt Romney’s Globalist Ghislaine Maxwell And Planned Parenthood Ties Mitt Is A RINO Face In The New World Order

Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 11 months ago to Entertainment
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RINO establishment Republican Utah U.S. Senator Mitt Romney has long participated in the globalist New World Order shenanigans that are destroying our country. Romney, who is supporting leftist Joe Biden Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson, is a quisling who has shown himself to be an enemy of Western Civilization. On The Campaign Show, I explained how Mitt Romney’s business career was bankrolled by human trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell’s father Robert Maxwell, a well-known Israeli spy. Romney and his partners invested $75 million in Stericycle, the company that picked up dead baby parts from Planned Parenthood clinics. Here Is The Campaign Show With Patrick Howley Segment: Mitt Romney EXPOSED For Demonic Activity (
As we reported during President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial: Utah GOP senator Willard “Mitt” Romney is standing out among Republicans for his anti-President Trump activism during Trump’s Senate impeachment trial. Romney said that he would be open to hearing what John Bolton has to say as a trial witness, after Bolton allegedly wrote in his unpublished manuscript that Trump wanted to withhold foreign aid from Ukraine. The reasons Trump allegedly wanted to withhold the aid are unclear, and Trump has strongly denied Bolton’s hypothetical claim, which was reported by the New York Times. There is no hard evidence that Trump withheld aid to Ukraine to coerce the government to investigate Joe Biden’s alleged corruption regarding his role in the firing of a prosecutor who was looking into Burisma Holdings, an oil company that Joe’s son Hunter Biden sat on the board of.

Romney has his own problems that make it clear he is not a real conservative and underscore why Romney is so maliciously anti-Trump

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 11 months ago
    Me dino recalls when Mitt ran for president. He was answering some question with pretty much an expressionless face. As he completed his answer, it appeared he remembered that he should be smiling.
    Then K-POW! he made a big ole' toothy one within the blink of an eye, it looking as fake as all hell.
    Then me dino had a thought and that thought was "That's all I need to know about this phony creep."
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    • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 11 months ago
      I remember they call him Rom-Bot.
      Also do you remember one of the debates? I think with John McCouldn't. They differed on some point. Rombot walked across the stage with his hand out challenging, repeating a few times, "I'll bet you ten thousand dollars." It was so stupid.
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      • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
        You are very disciplined I couldn’t st@n$ listening to those looting rino evil beings.
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        • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 11 months ago
          I don't listen, I watch them lie, I catalogue the lies, I learn their body language when they lie, I marvel at the brilliance of their evil. They are a spectacle. Anyway I don't think there will be any more debates this time around the RNC are boycotting them so far...
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          • Posted by 2 years, 11 months ago
            Well the moderators have given HRC the Q uestion in advance and Chris Wallace was an antagonist and liberal apologist. FuQ em.
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            • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 11 months ago
              Yes the debates have seem slanted for a long time. Besides which, they are horse and pony shows. They're not real debates like you would see on a high school or college debate team. They exceed their time, don't follow the rules, talk over each other, etc...pretty much how they behave all the time.

              Although, "because you'd be in jail" was a knockout punch moment in debate history. Hillary tried to go low, Trump went lower. He wasn't taking her shit.

              The second? debate with Biden, it was like listening to children banging on pots and pans with wooden spoons. I shut it off.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 11 months ago
    Just goes to show you we have to choose our friends carefully. To me, Trust and Government shouldn't ever be in the same sentence. I am really disgusted and tired of all this that that man is getting away with. N
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