They Taught Them Nothing More than to Loot.

Posted by net5000 12 years ago to Business
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12-20 years spent in schools and they taught them nothing but to Loot. Nothing of securing their own freedom through competence and independence. No pride in ownership or discovery. Instead they taught them dependence on groups and the work product of others. Group think, group activities and fear of disapproval that comes with leadership. Who now are the entrepreneurs, the inventors, leaders and independent thinkers? They brand them as fools, dangerous, oddities, misfits, greedy and failing all social redemption. So easy to explain as genetic aberrations. Is this the place safe for these, the Producers? Are you the ones they seek to destroy? If Galt's Gultch is real and it needs to be especially in these times. You must defend and protect it, recognize kindred souls, keep your alliances, and remain dedicated if only in your mind. $ - net5000 -2013

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