Fertilizer Supplies are at About 50%, Time to Employ the 4Rs

Posted by Dobrien 3 years ago to Entertainment
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You think this is about health?
It is another way to kill U S.
When anarchy occurs I hope these FuQs get a taste of their own medicine. Actually that saying for some reason indicates medicine is poisoning you thinQ about it.

The Fertilizer Institute, the National Grain and Feed Association, and 19 other members of the Agricultural Transportation Working Group requested the administration work with the Canadian government to avert a major railway labor strike and to rescind the cross-border vaccine mandate for workers moving essential commerce.
SOURCE URL: https://www.agweb.com/news/crops/crop-production/fertilizer-supplies-are-about-50-time-employ-4rs

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  • Posted by $ Commander 3 years ago
    Have you looked into this?
    Saw him last Sunday for 1-1/2 hour presentation regarding medical poisoning.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 12 months ago
      Qreat link. Thanks.
      Hold the Phone -- Doc’s Thoughts:
      There are several very concerning parts to this “Test and Treat” plan. First of all, the pharmacist who is dispensing the Paxlovid appears to also be prescribing it unless these pharmacies are now hiring a bunch of new practitioners. In the past, these tests were conducted by laypeople who worked in the pharmacy. The question I have is, who is actually prescribing these red-flag waving drugs? Because that person would be practicing medicine without a license if they are not authorized to write the prescription. It appears as though that person may be Joe Biden, just as he ran ahead and tried to push boosters before they had even made it to the FDA for consideration!

      I have been very skeptical of the Medical establishment for most my life. In 7 th grade when everyone was headed to the cafeteria for a small pox vax I hid in the bathroom till it was over and I snuck back to the classroom.
      That was instinctive fear but I eventually educated myself.
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