The Next Crisis After Covid, Ukraine...(___?___)
Posted by deleted 2 years, 12 months ago to Politics
I predict, I pray not, that a new biological leak accident will happen in Ukraine, perhaps elsewhere. The world's governments will respond just like they have with Covid. And the human populace of the countries will respond quickly to conform, because now we have been trained. The 2nd time around, it will be much easier for governments to lock us down and crush us economically, on top of the current economic burden. The Python of the New World Order will tighten it's grip one more step. I expect more mask, vaccine, and new economic mandates. Don't drive too much, take cold showers, no air conditioning, keep your homes cooler in the winter.
What do you think?
What do you think?
No doubt it will be something; I actually think it could be just about anything (or manything) next. I think Taiwan is certainly likely, but think it is not big enough to break the West. Certainly anything nuclear/WW3 would be. Of course, they're already warning us about ohmigod TB, too. And when they ban cash, well... I don't think any of us are really prepared.
1) I think this conflict will escalate when we do something Russia considers an act of war. We will engage Russia on the Ukraine soil, which will continue to escalate. China will attack Taiwan and we’ll be in two very large conflict abroad. WWIII commences…
2) Lab leak causes new pandemic, but this time it will be smallpox. These megalomaniacs can’t resist telling you, their plans. - Bill Gates warns of smallpox terror attacks and urges leaders to use ‘germ games’ to prepare (
3) Sky high fuel and energy prices due to “the war effort” I think the end game is financial destruction of the West. To instill one world government and a single crypto currency where they can approve purchases based on social credit scores, they have to destroy our wealth first. The failed attempt Biden did at laying off all unvaccinated employees would have been very difficult for this country to recover from. Hello, Great Depression II.
4) Changes in our weather will be blamed on global climate change hysteria. There is a theory I’ve been following where we will be entering a 30+ year cold period due toa natural cycle on the sun. Starvation and pestilence are sure to follow. If the theory has any credence, this all could be just the opening salvo at word depopulation. The theory was developed by a Russian solar scientist named Valentina Zharkova and seems more plausible to me then CO2 causing warming.
Interesting thought....there'll be a lot of us old folk still living, then. It'll kill all the young people. By young, I mean my oldest is 50 and is not immunized against smallpox.
"Valentina Zharkova, Russian scientist" is at Northumbria University, Newcastle, northern England. She has been in the UK, England and Scotland, for the past 25 and more years. Her work is well known and respected being one of the few proper scientists in Climate Science.
We can (attempt to) control people's behavior. Carbon dioxide does create a greenhouse effect, if in high enough concentrations. Shortly, UV energy from the Sun hits the darker parts of the Earth and bounces back as IR energy. The two double bonds in the CO2 molecule absorb the IR energy (they are translucent to the UV). Thus a heat blanket. But how much, how fast, .... who knows about that...I don't trust the POLITICAL scientists. I trust the scientific method. I don't trust fools.
Only Greta knows, ain't she cute?
There is volcanic activity. Farming-just turning over the soil every year releases tons of CO2...Should We stop farming??!!!
Perhaps I'll go back and plop my behind down on a cushion and start meditating and flat-out ignore anyone who addresses my masklessness.
But then I hate the conflict, and despite being stupid, they are really nice people.
Why doesn't China just invade then? They want to capture much of the technological infrastructure intact. They want all those microchip fabs as they are and Taiwan knows this. I've heard rumors that Taiwan has adopted a scorched earth policy on critical technology rather than allow China to get their hands on it. So when something happens, China is going to have to act fast and have inside saboteurs ready to prevent the Taiwanese from destroying those fabs. Easier said than done.
By the way, the Aeronca Champ is one of my favorite aircraft that I've got time in. Great, little airplane!