Simple Transgender Sports Solution.
Posted by deleted 2 years, 11 months ago to Politics
What I suggest to female athletes, and would absolutely love to see, is female swimmers to stand on the platform when the gun goes off, and turn their backs. Let the man swim by himself. Same for track and field. When the gun goes off, all the women sit down, or take a knee! Let the man run all alone. What a statement that would be.
If players can take a knee to protest a country, why can't players take a knee to protest another player-not really a player but an emissary of destructive ideology? If you're a group of several women competing in a race, and a man comes along who will surely guarantee that all women are competing for second place, why not just boycott the entire race? Just sit down. You're not going to win, you will not get a scholarship. So fuck it. Protest the trans person's presence. Protest the transgender lobby. They are outnumbered on the field.
I don't want trans people to suffer any more than they already are. But transgenderism is now far larger than any one of its members. It must be fought in the arena of sports. I don't care about sports. But I do care about fairness in sports.
If players can take a knee to protest a country, why can't players take a knee to protest another player-not really a player but an emissary of destructive ideology? If you're a group of several women competing in a race, and a man comes along who will surely guarantee that all women are competing for second place, why not just boycott the entire race? Just sit down. You're not going to win, you will not get a scholarship. So fuck it. Protest the trans person's presence. Protest the transgender lobby. They are outnumbered on the field.
I don't want trans people to suffer any more than they already are. But transgenderism is now far larger than any one of its members. It must be fought in the arena of sports. I don't care about sports. But I do care about fairness in sports.
Now let's write a bill to see what's in it.
Also, has there been a bio female trans everr tried competing against biological men swimmers
Take THAT!!!! Patriarchy! (Yeah that showed em’)
....still sarcasm....and for those of us that are unclear on the concept...”OUR OPINION MATTERS!”......also sarcasm
Perhaps real men should claim to be women and beat the trans. Use all the arguments to prevent discrimination. "Well you're not a real trans woman!" Fuckin' prove it asshole!!!
l've decided my personal Pronouns are variations on the N-Word...
I intend to go to New York, and when, in mixed company, people fail to use my Pronouns, I will sue them. And when they DO use my Pronouns, I will encourage the mixed company to sue them for being offensive.
Seems like a Win-Win...
But they stop at the group level. The Alphabet People's acronym was LGB at first. Now it's LGBTQIA+ It needs to go on until it's ...
S is for Straight!!!
Then they are up against a wall. Everyone is a victim, everyone has rights. Everyone is equal.
That'll never happen....
Maybe two teams, varsity and junior varsity, like most have now.
ANYONE on the left HAS to agree, OR they MUST agree male trans competing as women is ridiculous and unfair.
The idea isn't serious, but the discussion requires the idiots being unreasonable to admit they are unreasonable.
not the fraud pretending to be a Woman
But, in this world....she’s a woman with testes.
MHubb’s right. The women without testes would be cancelled. For wrongthink.
I know that minority includes a lot of power hungry fat cats like that CEO Woke Joke who runs Coke~~so what did the dino do!~~I switched from
Coke Zero and now buy sugar free Canada Dry along with sugar free Dr. Pepper. Fresca is a Coke product, by the way.
Hint! Hint!
Cancelling the cancellers is fine, give them a fat spoonful taste of their medicine. Jam it down.
Better than Diet Coke and bourbon. Now to hell with all that.
Hey, maybe I should try vodka with diet ginger ale. Hmmm.
Maybe somewhere midway through the 8 years 2 months I've been hanging out here. Oops, now 3 months. I peeked.
It's obvious you know where I got "funny farm" from.
I gave up on Coke in the late 70's when I moved to Houston from Atlanta.
The taste was not the same with Texas water.
That helped me to break the soft drink habit, although I do use it in certain cocktails.