How Obama And Biden Installed Neo-Nazis In Ukraine

Posted by Dobrien 3 years ago to Entertainment
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Today’s war cannot be understood without first understanding the U.S. government’s role in Ukraine's Maidan Coup.

I have written about Norm Eisen and his playbook” on Color Revolution. Victoria Nuland has been caught on audio tape saying who they will install in Ukraine govt. Kolomoisky financed the Azov thugs after steeling $4.7 billion of our Aid $.

Disclaimer: I did not support the U.S. government’s 2014 coup overthrowing the democratically-elected government of Ukraine, nor did I support Ukraine’s shelling of Donbas for the last 8-years, nor do I support Russia’s current invasion of Ukraine. The neo-Nazi factions represent a small percentage of Ukraine, but a significant percentage that played a major role in the 2014 coup and the ongoing war with Russia.

If the American people knew the truth about how Obama and Biden helped Neo-Nazi factions overthrow the elected government of Ukraine they might not be so eager to start World War III. Today’s crisis in Ukraine cannot be understood without first understanding the U.S. government’s role in the Ukrainian Maidan Coup.

In 2013, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych rejected an IMF loan and EU association agreement because he claimed the loan would hand over control of Ukraine’s natural resources and increase the cost of living for the Ukrainian people.

In response, a highly organized western-backed color revolution led by U.S. government officials was immediately deployed against Yanukovych.

U.S. organizations such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), an infamous CIA-front, trained activist journalists to utilize social media, funded television stations supporting the protest, and bussed in large numbers of protestors from out of town.

NED recently deleted its records of funding projects in Ukraine, but the archived web pages can be found here.

This link will take you to a site that has Oliver Stones documentary on the overthrow of Ukraines duly elected President.https://http://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-o...
SOURCE URL: https://kanekoa.substack.com/p/how-obama-and-biden-installed-neo?s=w

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  • Posted by Lucky 3 years ago
    Thanks DoB- This article matches with my own from current reading and memory.

    Not to be omitted-
    In the 19-thirties Stalin inflicted great cruelty on Ukraine, this was not forgotten nor should it be.
    The Holodomor, is the name given to the widespread massacre, millions of deaths by starvation in a productive food growing area.
    The tragic result was that when nazi-German troops entered during WW II, they were treated as liberators by a segment of Ukraine. This explains, but does not excuse, continuing loyalty.
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  • Posted by Idiocracy42 3 years ago
    The truth is, I have no idea what the truth is related to Russia/Ukraine.
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    • Posted by 3 years ago
      Ok how about this . Justin Trudeau goes and takes a knee with Ukraine military solidarity. Just after acting like acomplete tyrant to his own citizens.
      HRC is very concerned about the poor Ukrainians,
      Remember how she helped in Haiti.
      Biden is worried about Russia invading Ukraine’s borders while ours are wide open. The invaders of the US bring in Fentynal and kill our kids at the tune of 100,000 per year. That’s 1960 a week.
      Hunter is an example but just the tip of the iceberg regarding money laundering.
      At least four very prominent elected officials have kids on energy co.s there “ really”.
      Oh and those pesky bioweapon facilities.
      But yes ,there is the news telling you forever ,how you should hate Putin. He is an authoritarian but he also has raised the Russian people’s standard of living. Our (elected? Mobsters )are hellbent on destroying America but we should stick with them on this Ukraine business.

      Seriously , the Cuban Missile crisis is not to different in reverse.
      Why are all the so called atrocities shown in the news that Putin is doing.
      Fake phony and false?
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      • Posted by Idiocracy42 3 years ago
        Not at all saying I disagree or think the source is wrong. I'm generally pretty good at sussing out the truth, or the likely truth.

        Perhaps I'm too worn out, but it almost feels too pointless to dig in; it seems there are no good guys in the story on any side. Except for the people on the ground on both sides who are caught up in someone else's awful game. And who probably have even less chance of getting at the truth.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years ago
    The Neo-Nazi myth got started because there were Ukrainian soldiers who became part of Germany's invasion force during WW II, but that was more a result of their anger over Stalin's Holodomor than any sympathy with the Nazi cause. It's an easy sell to Russian audiences.

    The Azov brigade is an ultranationalistic group in Ukraine, but can hardly be called "Neo-Nazi," since they passionately support their Jewish president. At best they could be called neo-fascist, since their support of a powerful ethnically-oriented nationalist state is more like Franco's supporters in the Spanish civil war.

    That element aside, there's more than enough evidence of undue American meddling in the Russia-Ukraine squabble that kept the two from finding a non-violent solution. The invasion was Putin's last arrow in his quiver in trying to shoot down western influence in Russia's neighbor state.
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    • Posted by 3 years ago
      From your comment ,you likely did not read the text . No Myth, I’ll highlight this bit that contradicts your premises.

      Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Svoboda Party and its founders Oleh Tyahnybok and Andriy Parubiy played leading roles in escalating the violence in Maidan Square and went on to play leading roles in the newly formed government.
      The Svoboda Party

      The Svoboda party traces it roots to the Ukrainian partisan party in World War II which was allied with Nazi-Germany. Until 2004, Svoboda was called the Social-National party, a deliberate reference to the Nazi’s National-Socialist party. The leader of Svoboda, Oleh Tyahnybok, has openly targeted Jews and ethnic Russians in Ukraine for many years.

      In 2004, he was kicked out of Viktor Yushenko’s government for a speech calling for Ukrainians to fight against a “Muscovite-Jewish mafia”. In 2005, he wrote open letters demanding Ukraine do more to halt the “criminal activities” of “organized Jewry”.

      The BBC reported on the danger of Svoboda’s rise in 2012. The European Parliament passed a resolution that same year condemning Svoboda as “racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic”. Yet, somehow the U.S. government thought it was appropriate to back these neo-Nazi groups pushing for the ethnic cleansing of Ukraine.

      Every January 1st, tens of thousands of Svoboda followers march through the streets of Ukraine holding torches to honor the birth of Stepan Bandera, the leader of the Ukrainian partisan forces who sided with Nazi-Germany during the second World War. Western historians say that Bandera’s followers carried out massacres of Polish and Jewish civilians.

      When Yatsenyuk became Prime Minister, he rewarded Svoboda’s role in the coup with three cabinet positions, including Oleksander Sych as Deputy Prime Minister, and governorships of three of Ukraine’s 25 provinces. Svoboda’s Andriy Parubiy was appointed Chairman (or speaker) of Parliament, a post he held for the next 5 years.

      The Azov Battalion.

      Neo-Nazis also dominate Ukraine’s Azov Battalion, which was founded by Andriy Biletsky, an avowed white supremacist who claimed that Ukraine’s national purpose was to rid the country of Jews and other inferior races. It was the Azov battalion that led the post-coup government’s assault on the self-declared republics and retook the city of Mariupol from separatist forces.

      The Minsk II agreement in 2015 ended the worst fighting and set up a buffer zone around the breakaway republics, but a low-intensity civil war continued. An estimated 14,000 people have been killed since 2014. Congressman Ro Khanna and progressive members of Congress tried for several years to end U.S. military aid to the Azov Battalion. They finally did so in the FY2018 Defense Appropriation Bill, but Azov reportedly continued to receive U.S. arms and training despite the ban. Note the intentional similarities of the symbols
      A photo of the Azov Battalion – a regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine, with a NATO flag, an Azov flag, and a Nazi flag. (Bottom) The emblem of the Azov Battalion, the Nazi Black Sun, and the "Wolfsangel" or "Wolf-hook" symbol used by the Nazi Waffen-SS.
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      • Posted by Lucky 3 years ago
        The Kanekoa newsletter makes sense to me.
        An idea from Frontpage(?), these groups around Zelenskiy look just like Hamas in Gaza- from what they look like in pics, slovenly, posturing with guns, smirking faces, most of them teenagers, admittedly not at all like the stiff young men in smart Hugo Boss uniforms back in 1930s Germany!

        A lot of effort goes into how to identify bad groups. Whose definition do you like? A proper nazi had to hate Jews, recall- in the 30s and 40s they hated Slavs (inl. Russians, esp. Poles) as well. Now there is a group who, in public appear to accept Jews but hate Russians. I will go for the definition that the keyword is hatred- obsessive, irrational, self-destructive, so yes they are nazis, as bad as the ones before. It is not the badges or flags but the worship of force, brutality and hatred that define them. Any Jewish Ukrainians, other than oligarchs, who think those gangs will defend them, could be badly mistaken. In fact any non-prefix-Ukrainian will discover the gangs to be a general menace.
        They are not for anything positive, so who do they benefit, who pays and who keeps them going? That is where Kanekoa helps.
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        • Posted by 3 years ago
          That is an excellent observation Lucky,
          These people are thugs and they are like thugs worldwide. I suspect in NAZI Germany any non compliance was met with force and violence regardless of ethnicity. That is not to suggest that Jews were not relentlessly targeted for the Satanic mayhem that genocide is.
          Targeting groups using prejudice create a division.

          Divide and conquer is in our lexicon because it works.
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