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  • Posted by $ Meerkat24 2 years, 10 months ago
    It's all about the pleadings. It is time to use the [DS] tactics against them. The pleadings have long been used as a way to put out information or misinformation, as you can say anything in them without being sued for libel.

    Some years ago (after many warnings) I expelled 2 seniors from my school who had already been accepted to great colleges. I had just explained to a prospective dad that his daughters would be safe here, and as I was walking him out, these students (a couple) were seen doing something nasty (and still illegal at their age) behind the dumpster.

    I wasn't worried about being sued, because I was totally in the right, and prior warnings were in writing (we have students as young as 9, who shouldn't have to see such things) BUT...I learned that you can say anything in a pleading, if preceded by a statement that you have cause to believe. So I was accused of all sorts of horrific things in the pleading that was served on me, and I had to answer every one of them. I still won, but at great expense.

    So now when I hear that someone has been sued for so-and-so, I know that it doesn't mean anything yet. Not only is the accuser protected from a libel suit, media that reports any of it verbatim is also protected.

    I'll bet that now that the shoe is on the other foot, the D's will bring that up...destroying the so-called evidence they have used for their own stories in the past. Of course, it can also be a way to get truth out, timed for the fake fact checkers to fact check it, then to have it come out in declass.

    Not as effective as getting all the way to discovery, but most people don't know the difference.
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  • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 10 months ago
    Why is he suing her? What is his aim? Is he serious about running in 2024, or is he really pissed off about what she did? It can't be the money. $24M is beans. She could trip and cough-drop that kind of money out.

    Don't we already know that the Clintons will never pay, and that none of the scumbags at the top will ever make each other pay?

    What's she doing right now? She's sitting on her throne sucking a bottle of whiskey making plans to hurt somebody right now. A woman scorned. Hell Hath No Fury as a Woman Scorned. I saw that on a jar of hot salsa in a gift shop once.

    She is still a danger. Maybe Trump is setting her on the run rather than waiting for her to do something else.
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