Closed boy scout camp in Central Wisconsin
Posted by gcarl615 3 years ago to Classifieds
There is a closed boy scout camp o
In Wildhorse wi.for sale. About 320 acres with buildings and right on lake Napowan.perfect for retreat. If someone has the money (not me)could be a galts gulch
In Wildhorse wi.for sale. About 320 acres with buildings and right on lake Napowan.perfect for retreat. If someone has the money (not me)could be a galts gulch
"Atlas Shrugged Statue
I work for The Atlas Society. When I first learned about this Atlas Shrugged statue, I researched more and found out that it was funded [in part] by Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI). I contacted him to talk about the story of the statue and his political career, which resulted in this interview.
[Laurie Rice, 07/30/2015]
In Laurie's 2013 interview (and elsewhere), Senator Johnson publicly declared his objections to Obamacare and his love for Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged." But when the mighty Atlas statue hoists one globe too many and pops a double hernia, who's going to pay his medical bills -- the Senator? (The answer may be "yes" if Johnson has signed up for long-term statue care)."
I've family in Plover.
It's a nice small community less than 1 hour from where I live.
Very scenic and peaceful. Not too far off the beaten path. is the former web site.
Just buy a large farm and invite like minded visitors. Then you would have peace of mind when they leave.
My Gulch, in Walworth County WI, is my home, even though the village board can go nuts with spending and coming down hard on toeing the line on water and sewer. One woman would not hook up her cottage that she seldom used to them. She refused so was fined $10,000 which she would not pay. She was then jailed for two weeks and she still would no cooperate. That resulted in her cottage being demolished by order of the village board.
A Gulch will not protect from idiots. They will continue with more rules. It sometimes appears that some are looking for a religious retreat rather than freedom.
We don't have his hiding gadget for (1), but there are ways to do it.
I don't see a camp as enough, though. We'd want houses even if they have to be off the grid.