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My 2 bits.
You are not hearing about the 16,000 deaths in Donbass region at the hands of Ukraine.
Literally SHELLING the Russians living them, and claiming "they were terrorists" after hitting neighborhoods! This had to stop.
How did they know Putin's timing? because they were the ones causing mayhem inside their borders.
Here is a documentary about it (1 of 3)...
There are clearly 2 sides here.
And yes Putin is doing this because he does not respect biden like he did Trump...
Its a terrible thing that people cant seem to just respect each other's rights and get along. One could easily conclude that without objectivist thinking, human nature is pretty bad.
I am very hard pressed to acknowledge any country actually is intellectually consistent in respecting human rights. They just fall somewhere on a scale from good to bad, with the USA drifting rather quickly towards the bad end. Russia today is probably in the league with Hitler actually, and China is not far behind. If China invades Taiwan, they get to be buddies with Hitler too.
This is FAKE NEWS, the USA Spreads.
It was written into the agreement when the USSR broke up, that should it be called for... There would be a Vote, of the Crimeans, as to whether they STAY with Ukraine, or they Re-Join Russia.
And it was made clear that the Russian Naval/Army personnel living there would be allowed to vote.
And that VOTE WAS HELD. And it was like 86% in favor (I forget the actual number), of belonging to Russia, and separating from Ukraine.
I do NOT call that "Taking Over". This is like our situation with P.R. (lets assume they had a clause to allow them to vote to go back to being Property of England"), and that vote was held. They choose. WOULD YOU ACCUSE England of taking them over?
So, strike that one from your argument (it is also, Russia's only access to vast amounts of the ocean without being "tracked/monitored", which is why it was written into the agreement!)
Now that leaves you taking issue with "not first hand experience, but REPORTING"...
Again, I know Ukrainians, and Russians living in Ukraine, and outside of Ukraine.
The picture is MURKY even for them.
In the last 30 years... Which of the 2 countries have killed the most civilians in other countries?
We are being FED MISINFORMATION. And we have to be wary of it.
Yes, I wish this could be done peacefully. But the GLOBALISTS control Ukraine, and HATE Russia/Putin. If you can begin to see this... You start seeing the chess pieces being moved.
I don't want to defend Putin. I want to defend the Truth. Crimea Voted. That's Truth.
Why is this happening now, and not under Trump?
Because Trump would have REFUSED to help Ukraine pull this shit.
And that's why we sent BLANKETS.
Arming the Ukrainians is part of the problem.
Not knowing the facts leading up to these events is part of the problem.
Listening to the News Media Lies about how it started IS 99% of the problem.
Yes, I wish NOBODY was being shelled.
But it LOOKS/FEELS a lot like Ukraine=Palestine, and Russia=Israel from a STORY telling point of view...
I somehow dont think there is another agreement covering eastern ukraine belonging to russia that you mentioned. And certainly not one covering the entirety of ukraine. Putin just WANTS to get the whole country because he FEELS like its his. Obviously, the people of ukraine done seem to want to be under russian rule *they are willing to fight and die to prevent that"
Governments on both sides are shit. Maybe the russians should withdraw, and the current ukrainian government withdraws, and maybe something like the UN sends in peacekeepers until some sort of vote can be had.
From a river that flows through Ukraine . After the Minsk protocol was signed. Ukraine built a dam and stopped the flow of fresh water into Crimea.
Taking out the dam and letting the water flow again like it did for thousands of years was one of the first things the Russians did in the operation.
Of course you would suggest the UN peacekeepers ...
Starving children 'as young as NINE forced to give UN officials oral sex to get food'.
This same thing happens almost everywhere the UN “Peace keepers “ deploy.
Cutting water supply is an act of war.
The Azov battalion (on the other side of the Donbass divide) is supposedly part of the Ukrainian army, but they are street thugs semi-organized by an oligarch, to protect his financial interests. Azov is the crew firing missiles into civilian areas of Lugansk and Donetsk. AZOV has been creating a hellscape in Donbass for the past 8 years, with crickets from the Western media
AZOV (or US Intelligence) is likely the ones who shot down MH17, thinking they could get Putin. His plane was flying over the same area, at the same time, and had the same colors, while US satellite data and Kiev Air Traffic Control files for that day are "missing."
I agree, there are a lot of wrongnesses here. The biggest wrong is the lying sacks of shi% media.
You believe things without doing real research, or listening to people who have strong connections.
You've said "Putin is Just like Hitler", but cannot show us how? (That makes it a belief, not a fact).
And you ignore the simple fact that the USA and NATO are egging this on. And it is about breaking Putin/Russia, stopping them from profiting from their energy reserves.
For Petes Sake. your claim he wants the former USSR back DIES in the face of 22 years to get Crimea back... WITH A VOTE. LOL
Putin is running the playbook of Hitler in terms of invading other countries one by one. With Putin it was georgia, crimea, the rest of ukraine, and why stop there....
How many times did the US interfere and go after the companies building it?
Why did we spend 20+ years in the dessert trying to topple syria in the end to get a pipeline through?
So, your argument is simply: You know Putin is bad. You ignore the vote in Crimea. But it's JUST LIKE Hitler steam rolling through Europe (btw, with a LOT of help from Ukraine, who kept their Nazi party. Same party exists today, still).
So, Putin is like Hitler to you.
But you stand with Ukraine and their Nazi Party!
(With the SS emblem and all). But downplay it, because it is only 2% of the country you have sworn allegiance to...
Got it!
There are some similarities between Hitler and Putin. They are both violent dictators. They both seem to want to increase the territories of their countries through invasion. They both love power over people. There are probably a lot of differences between them too. But the multiple invasion playbook does seem to be the same.
Some Ukrainians do not want to be Russian, but they are preventing ALL of the people from utilizing their God-granted rights of Self-Determination.
You've described Putin exactly!
Nice if a country can avoid looking in a mirror and blame its problems on "The Russians" or "White people" or "Christians" or "The unvaccinated", who's next?
Isn't there some other place where you can post each other's lies and leave this forum for followers of Ayn Rand.
You need to check your premises.
Q: When WILL Zelensky grant the people of Donbass their God-given Human Rights of Self-Determination?
A:: Never
Emboldened by his own fake press image and Shiploads of NATO war materials, he's not even willing to allow Crimea to be free.
In Ukraine, I found out I would have to pay off a lot of local, corrupt officials, if I wanted to run a business.
Also, In Russia, a wide range of politlcal viewpoints is tolerated. You can buy far-Right or far-Left newspaper. In the US, we get ONE point of view. Anything else is "canceled".
What don;t you go to Russia for a visit? I can't tell you what is truth, Only you can decide what is true for you.
What is your source for this claim?
You're not fair, bro. You're using propaganda for a source.
That is not very objective and is very collectivist , in fact your projection is right out of a narcissists playbook.
No, just pointing out that you don't know what you're talking about. (But that would require you to be human.)
The US is the problem.
Us moving our missiles closer to the Russian Border is NOT Putin growing his country.
I don't think Russia wants Ukraine, if they did, they could annihilate it pretty quickly, and just move in. It seems to me they are trying to not devastate the country and the civilians.
There is no shock and awe. The capitol still stands!
BTW genius what does Russia have? They have Oil , gas and minerals and metals, lumber and
Fertilizer. You claim Russia is being hurt financially.
Yet they are having record prices for their commodities. I am sure not having Facebook or McDonalds or pornhub will hurt them tremendously, especially the gender issues , thank goodness we Have Gen Miley woke, resulting in higher productivity and better health must be horrifying.
You always do.
I might add that you most likely buy a lot of stuff that is made in part or in its entirety in china, so dont get uppety.
One is Evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, hum- ility, kindness, empathy, & truth."
The boy thought about it, and asked, "Grandfather, which wolf wins?"
The old man quietly replied, "The one you feed." -
Blaming the Russians for the corrupt Senators have been doing for decades.
No surprise. That's what evil corrupt scum does.
"Blaming the Russians for what the corrupt Senators have been doing for decades."
,their Neo Nazi goons being destroyed (the ones that have trained our own anti-fa) and last but not least the money laundering machine . They have been begging Poland and others to assist the Puppet govt. it’s very clear they would love WW3. Please explain why our military hasn’t done Con-grosses or BuyDems bidding.
To me it looks like The Fake resident doesn’t have control of our own military. To me we are already in WW3 and have been for 6 years . This is the first visible offensive against the enemy, the Central Bankers ,The American Oligarchs the Deep State SLGPC. Good vs Evil . God wins.
I upvoted this purely to keep it from going negative and falling off the screen. Mostly because the Gulcher commentary is so good.
I would also say that if they back Putin into a corner where he knows he’ll be facing execution at the hands of the Brussels cartel why wouldn’t he go nuclear. I sure would.
This is needless escalatory rhetoric that will result in more people being killed.
This is used to threaten/destroy those who helped Trump and Giuliani and to make sure NOBODY does that again!
The big picture is key. We have friends who were in Serbia. Why did some hospitals/schools get hit by the US going after Milosovich? Because as the military targets were taken out, the PEOPLE grabbed the monitions, etc. and MOVED THEM to Schools/Hospitals THINKING they would be safe. This was said to me by a Serb who DID NOT support Milosovich! She was literally there when the people were agreeing to do this. Only when these places were later hit, did they realize the ignorance of their decision. They made these places military targets. She said "In the moment, without foresight or past experience... It seemed like an easy choice to make!"
hmm... How much we don't know.
Now, I cannot say this is happening in Ukraine, but I know of at least ONE report where snipers were on top of one of the Hospitals and were using heavy equipment rockets to hit the Russian convoy. Russia returned fire to the source! oops. A hospital. No worries, PLENTY of press coverage about ONE SIDE of the situation (hence the Palestine Reference in another post)
Same thing with Putin. He has publicly stated his desire to rebuild russia back into the soviet union one way or another. And this ukriane thing seems to be a result of his willingness to just take it from anyone he can.
How many years was Hitler in power before he launched his first Attack, and what did his progression from that point, forward look like?
Now, lets do the same Roadmap for Putin. Is Crimea his first attack... If so, he is WAY behind the "Hitler" comparison. (A comparison used against Trump, FWIW)...
Now, if you consider Ukraine the Equivalent of the first Battles of Hitler.
And you consider the IMMEDIATE backlash (keeping in mind that RBS was SELLING HITLER the additive that prevented their airplane fuel from FREEZING at altitude.... Through the very end of the war).
That Ford, continued to make Tanks (and even sued our government for blowing up the Nazi Tank Factories Ford owned, and WINNING a settlement)...
Meanwhile, McDonalds, Pepsi, Oracle, have pulled their companies from Russia.
I think that is the world STANDING UP against Russia, UNLIKE ANYTHING done to Hitler.
Didn't Hitler have some Olympics? You think if Russia had the Summer Olympics, ANYONE would show up?
[IMO, Hitler was sponsored and supported by the Globalists! Just like Ukraine is today! Could Russia be standing up Against a Modern Day Hitler? Who also started by killing his own citizens... Those unclean Russians in Donbass?] (Perspectives Matter)
I do NOT find your comparison to be FAIR... Or to be even Remotely Justified. But I admit my ignorance.
I would love to see the timeline of aggression of Hitler compared to that of Putin...
Putin has bee in power for 10 years. I believe Hitler was in power for 6 years, before starting war!
Again, you may have some understanding I do not. But once Hitler gained power, he created a war machine, and then grew it and used it. Not quite what I think I have seen from Russia. No Blitzkrieg. Willing to talk.
And has been asking for some time to stop this shit... But getting no air time.
Soviet Union in 1941. Putin has promised to continue his invasions at least until he controls all the territories of the former Soviet Union. That pretty much means all of Europe. With the constant threat of nuclear war, he just might destroy the earth
This is US Propaganda that Putin wants to UNITE the old USSR. It's not even remotely true.
Term2, show me the video with Putin Saying that is his plan or it didn't happen.
And, FWIW, I missed that Putin First came to power in 2000. So, JUST LIKE HITLER. He waits 22 years?
This is my point. I am thinking you are listening to MSM at this point. Putin had plenty of time to bring the former USSR (which ALL Border with him) under his control. 20 years he SHOULD have spent building an Army that was beyond belief... But nope... And now he "struggles" against Ukraine?
And to think he wants War... LOL, he has been BEGGING NATO to back off. Stop putting weapons close to his borders. For the ENTIRE TERM of his Presidency.
He and Trump got along because they are both against the Globalists. They got rid of Trump, and they will do what they can to get rid of Putin.
That you CANNOT see that is incredible.
Even Biden is ON RECORD saying that NATO isn't really needed, it's now used as a thorn in the side of Russia.
Here is a link of what PASSES on Ukrainian TV these days. This is a doctor saying Russian Military will be caught and Castrated. (Clearly a violation of the Geneva Conventions). Clearly NOT frowned upon by our media...
Putin has NO interest in starting WWIII.
But NATO has been Pressing on Russia for DECADES. Pointing more missiles at him.
If you go back and look at this situation, you can see the chess pieces being moved. Eventually forcing this situation.
Ukraine is his Cuban Missile Crisis, egged on by the USA. Since we ADMITTED to triggering the 2014 color revolution with the leaked phone call...
But long before that, USSR then Russia, had a buffer. That buffer is gone. And our commitment to not convert those states to NATO, well, that's gone too...
I do NOT like defending Putin. But to the victors go history. And right now, we have been fed such UTTER BS about the roles of Ukraine and Russia in ALL of this.
All NARATIVES painted by the GLOBALISTS who NEED a WWIII right now so that the destruction of the USD does not fall on them. They can hide it with war, massive loss of life, and then when everyone is more exhausted...
We won't own anything, and we will LIKE IT.
Literally their plan, spoken aloud... And nobody sees the movement of the pieces making it happen.
What about his veiled threat concerning nuclear weapons?
This will be Mutual Assured Destruction.
(Of course, that's if our nukes still work)
Big difference in my book. Nobody needs/wants land tainted by Nukes. The result would NOT be a WW... Only 5-7 countries would be involved?
And we would not quite know when it ended.
Putin didnt move when Trump was president, because he knew there would be substantial blowback militarily, and threats of nuclear war would be met with "bring it on- remember that Russia will be destroyed too and you will be out of power". Biden just tiptoes backwards when Putin threatens. We might as well just save our money and let Russia take over europe now that we have biden.
You just described every Western "leader", nearly every member of con-gress, every lobbyist, and every government employee (with a very few notable exceptions.)
Look at who the worm-food Buy-dem nominated for SCOTUS. A life long government employee, whose parents were life-long government employees. Just what a free country needs: Lifetime looters to dictate how all the American producers must live.
Putin is no more a bully than every looter in con-gress, big city government, and the Western Deep State.
The West created the situation that Putin responded to. I blame the Deep State for it, not Putin.
Try them and fry them.
Putin is just another statist dictator, not unlike Biden actually. Its a shame that people who just want peace and freedom have to bear the brunt of what these people do. If we do have nuclear war, we might all die for nothing...
What utter hypocrisy by those who decide what propaganda becomes true history.
This is where much of our USAid goes .
Cons gross just sent $11+ billion.
Ayn Rand, for one.
The real question is: Why are you in the US?
Source on Ayn Rand supporting the dysfunctional, dystopian 2022 USA?
You've never been to Russia or Ukraine, or Crimea. You refuse to even read a Russian news outlet.
You act like a spoiled brat, who can't get his nightly cookies, ice cream and favorite TV program.
How old are you, 11?
Quit polluting tte air here