This is why you hate Putin.

Posted by Dobrien 3 years ago to Entertainment
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He is hated by the western Globalists (NWO) because Putin will not bow to the gods of Globalism. Simply put “He will not bow to the Globalists”
This is a very detailed analysis of Putin and his history. The more you know......
Skip the intro and start about 10 mins in FFA or even 30 mins . You can read this at Patel patriots substack part#18 if you want to speed read.

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years ago
    Hmmm.... these are All the reasons I like a handshakes length, that is, but I've known all along that we have many common interests....damn the lamestream and DAMN the left!
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years ago
    I have heard much of this. I tend to believe it...dammit...
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    • Posted by 3 years ago
      Vladimir Putin was born in Leningrad Russia in 1952 and is the youngest of three boys. His oldest brother died as an infant and his other brother died of diphtheria during the German Siege of Leningrad in WW2. His father was severely wounded in 1942, his grandmother killed by German occupiers of the Tver region (more on that later), and both of his uncles never returned from the Eastern front. To say that Putin’s early life was impacted by WW2 and Nazi Germany would be a gross understatement…it was ravaged. I find this to be curious behavior for a boy so hurt by the Germans:

      “At age 12, he began to practice sambo and judo.[31] Putin studied German at Saint Petersburg High School 281 and speaks German fluently.” – Wikipedia

      Also, of note is that, unlike most of the other students in his class, he never joined the Young Pioneer Organization. This would be the Russian equivalent of the Hitler’s Youth Organization in Germany. Put yourself in his shoes: The Germans severely wounded your dad, kill your grandmother and uncles and yet you go and learn German and speak it fluently? I wonder what those dinner table conversations were like.

      Putin went on to study law at the Leningrad State University from 1970 to 1975. It is curious that his thesis was on "The Most Favored Nation Trading Principle in International Law. Pardon me if I am the only one that finds that to be a subject more suited for some one like Donald Trump to write. This interest in global trade I believe to be a foreshadowing of behavior to come. By the way, during this time Putin was required (did not volunteer) to join the Communist Party.

      “In 1999, Putin described communism as "a blind alley, far away from the mainstream of civilization". - Wikipedia

      After college Putin would go on to serve the KGB in counterintelligence and a translator in East Berlin before the fall off the berlin wall. It is important to understand Putin’s upbringing because it serves to explain his unique perspective and subsequent maneuvers. Putin recognized the rise and the impending dangers of globalism long before any of us!

      “Putin has promoted explicitly conservative policies in social, cultural, and political matters, both at home and abroad. Putin has attacked globalism and neo-liberalism and is identified by scholars with Russian conservatism” - Wikipedia

      What is Russian Conservatism? I am glad you asked. The Izborsky club defines it this way:

      · Russian nationalism,

      · The restoration of Russia's historical greatness,

      · Systematic opposition to liberal ideas and policies

      This is the Russian version of MAGA folks! These principles are the EXACT reason that Putin (and Trump) are so hated by the Globalist. Jeffrey Kuhner of the World Tribune explained it best,

      “America’s transnational elites despise Putin for one simple reason: He is not a globalist”

      He goes on to state

      Hence, Russia’s problem is not its authoritarian regime. Rather, it is because Putin is a major obstacle to the relentless march of globalism.

      Putin is an ethno-nationalist, who champions Orthodox Christianity and a resurgent Great Russia. He is opposed to the European Union and NATO enlargement. He seeks to defend vital Russian interests — whether in Syria, Crimea or Ukraine. In short, he is implacably opposed to liberalism’s holy trinity of open borders, mass immigration and multiculturalism.

      Putin’s real sin is that he will not bow to the gods of the New World Order.

      This is why Putin has become public enemy number one.

      Is it any wonder why Russia was the subject of a Trump collusion hoax? Why not kill two birds with one stone? They could have just a s easily concocted a Trump China collusion. Putin poses a direct threat both economically and logistically to the Globalist. His relentless pursuit of restoring Russia and his undying nationalism is rivaled only by Trump’s desire to make America great again. Which brings us to the Ukraine.

      Remember when I mentioned Putin’s maternal Grandmother is from Tver? Well, that is in the Ukraine. It would make sense for Putin to try and restore that land of his grandmother to Mother Russia. However, there is more to it than that. There is a large number of Ukrainians that want to return to Russia. Why would that be? Because the Russian opposition is Neo Nazi; the 4th Reich, the head of the Hydra was removed and two others took its place…in Ukraine!
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  • Posted by freedomforall 3 years ago
    Would be nice to know the source of so much of the alternative news.
    As shown here obviously some is being used by the enemies of the banking cartel
    (China in this case) to force a regime change in the US to oust the Deep State.
    (Just as the C_A has done so many times in Latin America and the Middle East.)
    The American people must prepared for it when it occurs.
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    • Posted by 3 years ago
      I am pretty sure you mean Russia in this case.
      All of the sources for this #18th installment of devolution are listed.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 3 years ago
        I was referring to China's list of military actions by the US at the beginning of the video.
        ( I haven't had time to watch the entire thing yet.)
        I can't 'sign in' so I don't see any sources - unless they
        are listed in the video that I haven't seen yet. ;^)
        Do they actually have pristine 'original' unbiased sources?
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        • Posted by 3 years ago
          Sorry I did not watch the intro. I did suggest skipping that in my post as a lot of info is covered in the “Reading of Patel Patriot’s #18 “ by pgunnels .
          This link will take you to the original substack .
          As you can see everything is sourced. This researcher only discusses verifiable labeled sources. If he ever speculates he states it as such.

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  • Posted by mhubb 3 years ago
    i do not hate Putin
    to be fair, i do not know enough to hate him

    i know Russia, Soviet Union has been invaded many times, so they have legit security concerns

    Germans did it at least 3 times
    WW1, WW2, 13th Century (yup, long memories)
    France did it, Napoleon

    to say nuclear weapons can protect you ignores the reality, to use them, you must be at a point to no return, like Israel being attack and overrun by those wanting to murder all Jews

    i do know that invading Ukraine is not likely to help address Russian security concerns

    why this was done (i mean really done) remains to be seen

    i know i CANOT trust ANY US media, any democrat, any RINO to tell us the real Truth

    almost everyone i talk to about this has made up their minds, Putin is bad
    no objectivity at all
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    • Posted by 3 years ago
      Destroying the 11 know US bioweaponlabs does address a security concern . Not just for Russia but the entire world. Getting rid of Kolomoiskyy and Soros AZOV brown shirts also who have been attacking eastern (relentlessly for 8 years or more ) Ukrainians who are Russian sympathizers.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years ago
    Well, he's a lot easier on the eyes than some of his predescessors! My x2 said I always vote for the best looking candidate. I let him live after that remark but he only said it once. N
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  • Posted by 3 years ago
    Here is how Soros feeds the swamp . Note in the story where the $ gets dispersed to. Known NGO’s. Soros in other words.

    Kutcher and Kunis, the latter a native Ukrainian who came to the US with her parents as a small child, are using the GoFundMe fundraiser in hopes of raising $30 Million, with a $3 Million match by the couple, to benefit and

    “Today, I am a proud Ukrainian,” Kunis wrote on the fundraising page. “While my family came to the United States in 1991, I was born in Chernivtsi, Ukraine in 1983. Ukrainians are proud and brave people who deserve our help in their time of need. This unjust attack on Ukraine and humanity at large is devastating and the Ukrainian people need our support.” recently stirred up some controversy by withholding contributions to the Canadian truckers in the so-called “Freedom Convoy” in Canada, resulting in investigations by several state attorney generals.

    But the organization claims this particular fundraiser will provide an immediate impact on refugee and humanitarian aid efforts, including for transporting humanitarian aid to known NGO’s on the ground, and providing free, short-term housing to up to 100,000 refugees fleeing Ukraine.
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