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  • Posted by Dobrien 3 years ago
    How about this.....
    Journalist and war correspondent Anne -Laure Bonnell, who is in Ukraine, shocks viewers when she says …”The truth is I am very close to civilians, and the Ukrainian army is bombing its OWN people!”

    I‘ve also heard the same thing from multiple other sources too…..Russia is not attacking Ukrainian citizens, but the Ukrainian government is, in an effort to make the Russians look like the bad guys rather than the liberators that they really are.
    The Ukrainian gov't has been deliberately bombing civilians in the Donbas in eastern Ukraine since they were overthrown by the globalists in 2014.

    I found one article where it was reported that white phosphorus bombs were fired at public schools in Zaitsevo, Ukraine in March of last year: More than 750 schools have been destroyed or damaged.

    The more I read about what was happening there the more I see that the Russia is not only justified in taking action but probably should have stepped in a long time ago. Most haven't heard much about this because the MSM ignored it. Articles:

    Ukrainian Army Shells Boarding School in Yasinovataya With 120mm Mortar Shells:

    430,000 children continue to bear the brunt of eastern Ukraine conflict:

    Ukraine Intensifies Shelling of Donbass as Western Media Are Silent:
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