"King" Will Should be Dethroned!!!
By now, everyone around the world knows about the infamous slap that Will Smith imposed on Chris Rock. In this "woke" society that we belong to now, I am wondering where is all of the outrage from the black community and the world for what was done. Where is BLM??? Where is Al Sharpton??? Where is Jesse Jackson??? Where are the Odumbos ranting about the incivility and the physical abuse that was done to Chris Rock??? If it was a white person, it would be the ONLY thing that the "woke" and biased media would be talking about!!!
Starvation will kill millions of people in the next 12 months, but we must all focus on an obvious set up of bullshit actors who had a very diverse audience to perform for. So diverse that the only group not in sight were poor people.
If I were Chris Rock..."You keep my wife's name out of your mouth!"
"Ok, I will. How about her pussy?"
More than half of America would have loved that and judged it as earned punishment, although doing it on live tv would have been counterproductive.
But, imo, Smith didn't want Hideundera to be made a martyr for the left to praise.
(I know rational people who have actually worked with Will Smith and have nothing but praise for him.)
What's with Rockhead? What's his crime, in addition to popularization of the n-word?
I have always found Hideundera Rock to be an insulting cretin, but that is pretty typical these days with the gruel coming out in tv and movies.
He's a symptom that causes more rot as the body weakens.