You ain't seen nothin yet...
The part about this that concerns me is that Israel is the leading indicator for what will happen in the United States. Their spike started several weeks ago, which means that our spike is due to hit in probably March, and it's going to be WORST among the vaccinated.
Hold on. It's going to be a bumpy ride.
Hold on. It's going to be a bumpy ride.
The clinical perspective of the control group was something I have to admit I hadn't considered. Still it makes perfect sense. It a damn shame it had to be this way to see that science and empirical evidence isn't quite dead?
flip side: What is all the sheeple stabilize to a sickly regularly boostered norm, society shifts to validation of vaxx by requiring people to be chipped, and those who refuse cannot buy sell or trade?
Not poking fun at you AJ. ;)
Someone else XD
A good chunk of my novel came true and it scares me quite a bit, and that was a lot more recently written.
The Israeli info is thought-provoking. Thanks.