Hi. I'm Dave

Posted by davidpbj 2 years, 9 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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I'm currently 46 and retired from the military. Spent 22 years in the USAF before retiring and moving to the PNW to work in the semiconductor industry. Made it 4.5 years before awakening to the realization that, despite making a good living, I hated my job. So I quit my job and my wife and I purchased an RV. We're currently selling our house in the suburbs and will be using the proceeds of the sale to purchase land to build a home and start growing our own food on. My wife is still pretty much asleep but is still hanging on to her husband who she probably thinks is having a mid-life crisis or has gone insane. In about a 3-month period of time, I've: Realized that the majority of items making up my worldview were false; stopped eating meat, quit my job and finally, decided to live in the moment and stopped paying attention to the near-infinite number of ongoing psyops.

I'm still really new to this and still find myself fighting with my ego daily. But I win more of those fights than I lose.

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