Today's Real Heroes

Posted by katrinam41 3 years ago to Education
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They are young. They are vulnerable. They are abused on a daily basis by the very people we trust to teach and guide them. There will be no outcry heard in the msm. It doesn't fit the narrative. It's an election year. The narrative will bend to fit whatever it takes to win, and children endlessly, gleefully abused by the school systems meant to help them grow and blossom will never be news. But, somehow, word is getting out and parents across the country watch in awe as their children stand up to the systemic bullies known as the mask police. When the dust settles in November, each and every teacher, administrator and board member should be jailed for their deliberate, gleeful torture of our kids.
SOURCE URL: https://click.mlsend.com/link/c/YT0xODgxOTQzMzgwODAwMzEzNTczJmM9dzBsNiZlPTAmYj05MDE1OTcxNjMmZD1iM3U2ajBo.TK9nV4iVIJihyV1z5WBhRFEV-nw7Qv0_nlkfdpmoFg8

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  • Posted by $ Commander 3 years ago
    I filed FOIA on school board and superintendent last night. Getting their oaths and bonds. They've been advised twice on 21US 360bbb(3). (Informed Consent for unapproved medical device) All of this witnessed by at least 10 supporters.
    This roles into 18US 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law
    Civil Rights violations and ADA violations.

    We have injuries, physical and mental/emotional, from the masking and isolation.


    Freaked out the superintendent when I walked up on the stage during my public comment. He tried to bar me from a lawful process of service of notice. Had a former Deputy of Sheriff Joe's in my que. He took video and coached witnesses to watch for certain actions.

    I am DOING.
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    • Posted by lloydwr53 3 years ago
      Sounds like you are in AZ, let us know what we can do to help. I am working on the medical end of the equation.

      Censorship is not a part of scientific discussion, rather it is the tool of tyranny.
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      • Posted by $ Commander 3 years ago
        21US 360bbb-3 (e)(1)(a)(ii)(III)
        (a) In general
        (1) Emergency uses
        Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter and section 351 of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 262], and subject to the provisions of this section, the Secretary may authorize the introduction into interstate commerce, during the effective period of a declaration under subsection (b), of a drug, device, or biological product intended for use in an actual or potential emergency (referred to in this section as an “emergency use”).

        (e) Conditions of authorization

        (1) Unapproved product (MASK)

        (A) Required conditions With respect to the emergency use of an unapproved product, the Secretary, to the extent practicable given the applicable circumstances described in subsection (b)(1), shall, for a person who carries out any activity for which the authorization is issued, establish such conditions on an authorization under this section as the Secretary finds necessary or appropriate to protect the public health, including the following:
        (i) Appropriate conditions designed to ensure that health care professionals administering the product are informed—
        (I) that the Secretary has authorized the emergency use of the product;
        (II) of the significant known and potential benefits and risks of the emergency use of the product, and of the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown; and
        (III) of the alternatives to the product that are available, and of their benefits and risks.
        (ii) Appropriate conditions designed to ensure that individuals to whom the product is administered are informed—
        (I) that the Secretary has authorized the emergency use of the product;
        (II) of the significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use, and of the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown; and
        (III) of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks.

        After this is established as a violation against a person it opens up to Civil Rights Title 52, Americans with Disabilities Act Title 42. Also False Imprisonment, Impersonating Medical and Police, Deprivation of Rights Title 18-242, In Wis it is expressed extra penalty for Concealed Identity while committing a crime.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 3 years ago
    While I agree with your position, I want you to know that not ALL of us Teachers push the masks. In fact I have refused to wear a mask this entire time and been written up twice for my refusal to wear and refusal to require my students to wear them. When my principal was in the act of writing me up each time I stated my mathematical proof that masks are worthless as protection and detrimental to health. I also stated that as a high school math teacher that I could find a job faster than she could process the paperwork. To which she quickly replied that they weren't firing me.

    Please excuse any typos as I hate typing on this darn phone.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 3 years ago
    It's why my wife pulled four of our kids to home school them. Just got back the results of a standardized test and while my kids have always been bright, they were scoring three grade levels higher than actual. My kindergardner can read at a middle school level. Even my three-year-old can read basic books with small words (vocabulary comes with time).

    It was kind of funny but back when we were in Montana, my oldest son at the time wasn't even in kindergarten. My wife would volunteer in the first grade class and take him along. And he'd read to the other struggling first graders. Anything they put in front of him.

    Lots of nice people in the teaching profession. But I don't care for the administrators one bit.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years ago
    Look at how America is treating its children. Absolutely disgusting. To see Newsome without his mask in photos, that fat teacher sitting there smiling in the article without her mask...these people don't even have the decency to subject themselves to what their doing to the kids.

    I left California just in time. Murder in my old neighborhood now, for what that's worth. I'm glad also because I am not going to comply. I actually might slip a mask on here or there. But, I'm doing what I want with my body and I'm going to shield my kids from these sick bastards. We paid our taxes. Gave these people a job to do (not by choice...taxes taken at gunpoint) and now they're fired. Demoted down to the school custodian level.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 3 years ago
      The fat teacher is not a teacher but the Woke Georgia Stacie Abraham a Dem activist and failed In governor race due to racism. If she is going to be in a race isn’t racism just participateing ? Any way she is one of the The Who that was behind the vote fraud in the 2020 elections in Georgia. Her temp service provided election services across the state. Nothing to see here but her fat ass.
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