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  • Posted by freedomforall 3 years ago
    Nice list. đź‘Ť
    I think he has underestimated Google's guilt. Without their censorship and bias in the search engine the deep state's propaganda campaigns would have been hobbled and the truth would have been much easier to find.
    This offense by Google includes all the deep state's campaigns against the people for the past 10+ years and all the cover-ups. Google could be number 1 in guilt, but, I admit, there are lots of challengers.
    However, he is correct about one thing. Everyone he mentioned is guilty of premeditated murder, and some of premeditated genocide.
    Give them all a fair trial at Gitmo and execute them all. No jail terms that can be commuted by another corrupt executive.
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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 3 years ago
    Yes, I agree with your list. In this crazy world we are in now, the truth tellers are labeled as spreading misinformation, and the lies are the so called "science".
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  • Posted by Ben_C 3 years ago
    Excellent article. NEVER have any of the criminals mentioned the possibility of cross immunity from other species such as the Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus in cats which is the sister virus to Covid 19. Their vision is so myoptic that they have zero credibility with me. And Fauci tops the list.
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  • Posted by FelixORiley 3 years ago
    The list is of the puppets processing the desires of the global Comprachicos.
    It is silly to think that the DHS would investigate the minions that have been assigned to destroy reason. This is like suggesting the NAZI SS investigate the processors of the Holocaust.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years ago
    Excellent list! If any of them told the truth, they would have been fired by now. Hannity was a bit stuck in the middle as well, but is getting wiser, I hope. CDC is the most frequent and most all around liar from the day they received their grant to make and track the virus!
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 3 years ago
    That's a well-thought-out list. Unfortunately, the federal agencies, ie, The Swamp must be purged, and those agencies scrapped. Every individual should do their own research and don't listen to the politicians. So many lies are flooding the internet and social media. My wife and I are just recovering from the Omnicom variant which she probably got infected at the medical facility she is a nurse at, even though she was wearing an M95 mask. This variant is highly transmissible it's like having a very aggressive Cold (Rhinovirus).
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  • Posted by Rex_Little 3 years ago
    I think both sides are being too free with the words "lies" and "misinformation". Whether masks and vaxxes are safe and effective depends on your definitions of "safe" and "effective." They aren't 100% effective, nor are they completely ineffective; likewise for safety.

    Four things I'm convinced of:
    1. Wearing a mask decreases the chance of your exhaled germs carrying out of your personal space and landing on someone several feet in front of you.
    2. The vax reduces your risk of catching COVID if exposed. It does not eliminate that risk entirely.
    3. If you do catch COVID after being vaxxed, your symptoms are likely to be less severe than if you weren't vaxxed. Again, that's a tendency, not a guarantee.
    4. The long term effects of the vax are unknown; there hasn't been time for them to manifest. That's why I personally haven't gotten the jab, despite 2 and 3 above (and my age, 72).
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    • Posted by freedomforall 3 years ago
      The alternatives to the vax, imo, have greater likelihood of reducing risk of catching COVID and having reduced symptoms than the vax, with known long-term effects.
      (2) and (3) thus far lack adequate evidence of benefit (since the sources have lied about everything else and have unethical financial interest in selling the vax.)

      I don't think there are valid reasons to take the risk of being vaccinated with an experimental drug that has, in the past, caused fatal side effects in testing and practice.
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      • Posted by 3 years ago
        In a public venue of senior citizens in the Spring of 2020, I stood and said: I hope I get COVID-19 just so I can show you guys it is not a big deal!
        Little did I know that by the time I had said that, I had already hod it, gotten over it and barely noticed. I wondered from time-to-time if the mild but annoying persistent cough that I had been experiencing was a symptom not from the smoke from the wood-burning stove the neighbor enjoys as I initially suspected, but perhaps of COVID. Last September I caved in to the nagging uncertainty and decided to get tested for COVID-19 antibodies, and yes, indeed; I had already had it, gotten over it and barely noticed. So I have natural immunity to whatever variant that was. For the inevitable endless variants: I'll continue to do what I've been doing for years: take Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2 (MK7 variety), Magnesium, and since I use Himalayan sea salt, I supplement iodine with Lugol's 5% in my coffee daily But here's the thing that I believe made me so resistant to infection: for years I've been spending up to an hour per day without a stitch on, starting out in March at only 20 minutes per side per clear, cloudless day, to avoid sunburn, adding 5 minutes per day each clear, cloudless day without sunscreen. In only 9 days I'm up to an hour per side and I'm good for the rest of the year. My Vitamin D levels are up there and I've gotten a nice healthy tan, the best sunscreen on the planet made especially for my body by my body and the sun.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 3 years ago
      The only people who tested positive with the phony test for Covid in my extended family of 39 were 7 , all who had 3 shots. Sorry but you have been brainwashed. The masks actually are worthless , peer reviewed studies have proven. The have created more health issues from breathing germs from exhaled air and reduced oxygen intake. That is a know precursor to cancer. They are a Petrie dish of junk. They are left as trash everywhere. If the masks blocked the Chinese Flu it would become HAZARDOUS
      WASTE. Please use your reasoning. “Symptoms less severe” that of course is a crock of $hit ,pushed by the medicine men shilling their poison when they had to admit the shot does not WORK. If you let them , your arm will be like a pin cushion at a tailors shop.
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      • Posted by Rex_Little 3 years ago
        What little first-hand knowledge I have supports "symptoms less severe". Two people I know (an ex-wife and an ex-brother-in-law) got Covid. Both are over 65 but without co-morbidities. One was vaxxed; she was miserable for two weeks but never hospitalized and had no trouble breathing. The other was not vaxxed; he was in the hospital for 11 days (though not in the ICU or on a ventilator) and was still on oxygen when he went home. Might have permanent lung damage.

        I realize this is much too small a sample size to prove anything, but it's evidence, however slight.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 3 years ago
          From the beginning, I suspected that murderous Mengele/ Fauci created this virus on purpose, with China and Peter Dashec , paid for with our tax dollars....and I was right. What I also said was he from the data that it looked like he spliced in the HIV spike protein for a long term kill effect.
          Fauci owns the patents on HIV . Look it up. Follow the money.
          Royalties for any fax targeting hiv with Covid. Make it mandatory easy money.

          what has happened since

          • the shot is not approved and it’s use is illegal because the Authorization is EUA and those are only when no treatments are available. There is ZERO long term tests, and inadequate short term testing, Pfizer declares the FDA “approved” their experimental vaccine....even though technically it wasn’t, but the media and this corporate owned regime ran with it anyway.

          From Mindy Robinson
          • Randomly, and on the most immoral grounds ever, radical leftist governors like the ones in California and Nevada legalized knowingly giving someone HIV on purpose. WHY?!

          • Almost immediately after the vaccine roll out, people started showing signs of of autoimmune deficiency. Healthy adults do not break out with shingles en mass.

          • Australia had to pull their initial covid tests, because people that took it...were popping for HIV.

          • The CDC comes out with some weird statement warning people who take the vaccine NOT to take antibody tests. Again “why?!”

          • Frontline doctors come out with warnings that the vaccine is destroying immune systems and effectively turning the vaccinated into walking AIDS patients.

          • Newly revealed Pfizer documents show they KNEW their vaccine was causing VAEDS (vaccine induced AIDS.)

          • Now suddenly there’s a new virulent form of HIV found in the Netherlands, and supposedly that’s how Omicron was made. (Please God don’t tell me this is airborne now.)

          • Now Moderna suspiciously has a brand new experimental mRNA HIV vaccine ready go! How incredibly convenient!

          This murderous cycle for profit doesn’t stop until we end it. Our government is not on our side. Stay safe, stay vigilant, and stock up on Ivermectin, food, water, and whatever else you might need for the battle ahead. I swear....if they just gave all those people AIDS like it’s looking....I’m marching right there with you to the Pfizer building in New York and we’re going to fix this once and for all.
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