How bad is my batch?
Some batches/lots are associated with excessive deaths, disabilities and adverse reactions. This variation could be due to -
variation in the amount, meaning the number of doses distributed for a particular lot, OR
variation in the toxicity of the doses
Both factors may play a part. Until we know for certain, it is best to be cautious.
You can use this website to find out the number of deaths, disabilities and illnesses associated with your particular batch code. The sheer number of deaths and disabilities is cause for concern - far exceeding the adverse events associated with flu vaccine lots of equal size.
variation in the amount, meaning the number of doses distributed for a particular lot, OR
variation in the toxicity of the doses
Both factors may play a part. Until we know for certain, it is best to be cautious.
You can use this website to find out the number of deaths, disabilities and illnesses associated with your particular batch code. The sheer number of deaths and disabilities is cause for concern - far exceeding the adverse events associated with flu vaccine lots of equal size.
We must be related to the same non local quantum entanglements.
and keep the batches consistent?
and quality test each batch
in this amount of time
Corrupt looters have no such code of honor or ethics or integrity.
you are on target....