Should Trump run again, and should we support him?

Posted by Storo 3 years, 1 month ago to Culture
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In the spirit of the old Chinese curse “May you live in interesting times.”, it is interesting that we have such an incompetent administration in the White House, and interesting to watch them stumble around and lie and spin, and bungle so many things important to Americans. So what to do?
It is clear Trump wants to run again, most likely to face Hillary again. But should he?
If one looks back at his 4 years in office, one sees a record of great accomplishments. Whether foreign or domestic, his administration took on seemingly impossible tasks and won.
We had relatively secure borders.
The economy was booming.
Inflation was nil.
Interest rates were low.
Unemployment was at record lows.
We got a COVID vaccine in record time.
Our relationships with other nations greatly improved.
North Korea and Russia were talking to us.
Our trade was greatly improved, and China trade deal renegotiated.
NAFDA was dumped and a new trade agreement signed that was more fair to the US.
So why would we not re-elect this guy? Answer: The media.
We lived through 4years of Trump in the White House with the media nipping at his heels the whole time. Trump never had a real chance to govern without lies, rumors and innuendo following his every step. He not only had to fight the Dumocraps, there were the false Russian collusion charges, the false dossier, the false inditement of Trump staff, lies and misrepresentations galore, false impeachments and an American public divided, rightly or wrongly, as never before.
I support Trump, and I believe that his record and accomplishments will stand up against anyone’s. In addition he has shown that he can get the job done. He deserves a second term. But what concerns me is that the Cabal, the Deep State, and/or his opponents and the media will pick up where they left off in January 2021, and we will have another 4years like his previous 4 years with fabricated lies, distortions and fabricated scandals as then promulgated by a corrupt leftist media and the socialist/communist Dumocrap Party.

So here’s the question; if we know that Trump will be slandered and face the same opposition and baseless accusations as in his previous administration, would you vote for him in 2024?

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  • 17
    Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 1 month ago
    Should Trump decide to run despite all the crazed satanic hatred his political enemies can muster, me an old dino shall again vote for the return of greatest for courageous president to have surfaced throughout my entire lifetime.
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    • Posted by tutor_turtle 3 years, 1 month ago
      My wife keeps telling me not to worry, it's all a movie. The bad guys will be caught and punished in the end. Trump is just setting the trap they will all fall in. I worry I won't live to see justice served. In the mean time I keep my powder dry and my ear to the ground.
      New Hampshire is voting on returning to hand count ballots. I attended the public hearings. Write your Congress Critters. Get rid of those infernal machines. They are wired to the CCP.
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      • Posted by NealS 3 years, 1 month ago
        She's a smart lady, my wife too. Mine's so deep into it, much further than I can imagine. However, I'm moving more into her same direction than not. With some big Hollywood "stars" starting to leak and tell us about how crude the lot of their peers are, I'm beginning to believed this whole thing started to save the children. Look at this Covid farce, all the MSM bigshots starting to get taken down, the pedophiles finally getting caught, and the connections between that sex island and well known politicians finally getting exposed. I think we are still in the early stages of a huge world wide issue. That's why so many are so afraid of Trump, even now because he's still working on it. Would I support him, absolutely, or any other candidate that he supports. In any case I can hardly wait for the movie to come out, I just hope I live long enough.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 1 month ago
        Here in Alabama we identify ourselves with a photo ID (that me dino has noticed that blacks are smart enough to procure and bring) and we mark names printed on paper ballots.
        Each ballot is fed into a machine that only counts the ballot. Later real live (hopefully honest) people takes the ballots out to count the votes.
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  • 12
    Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 1 month ago
    In a heartbeat. And don't worry about Hillary. Considering the latest info she will probably be tried for treason. Her computer will be her downfall.
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    • 13
      Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 1 month ago
      He fought for us. Let's fight for him! Not running would be giving up to the idiots and we shouldn't reward them for their cruelty to a man like Trump. I say we should kick butt!
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    • Posted by Steven-Wells 3 years, 1 month ago
      I offer two great quotes about Hillary that appeared on the old Fox late-night show, Red Eye.
      From TV's Andy Levy:
      "Hillary Clinton is Richard Nixon without the charm."
      And from Joanne Nosuchinsky:
      "If you don't have anything nice to say, say it about Hillary Clinton."
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    • Posted by bobsprinkle 3 years, 1 month ago
      Beau Bidens computer should have been his and his fathers downfall. Why does anyone think the Hildebeast will be any different? NOTHING will change as long as there is a dummycrat Atty General in place. That will NOT change until Biden/dummycrats are thrown from office. That will not happen until 2024.....not 2022.
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  • Posted by dutchmanii 3 years, 1 month ago
    Absolutely should run. But we have to watch out as to who counts the votes......
    Stalin said, it doesn't matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes.
    notice President Biden says the same thing.

    Makes you want to say, hummmmm
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  • Posted by $ elfshelf2 3 years, 1 month ago
    As decades since shrugged, living peacefully and productively on the side of a mountain, I can only hope the current leader of the republican party lives long and continues to rally and support rational capitalist values, and all those with energy to contribute to the good fight. If he is able to run again, I will vote for him.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 3 years, 1 month ago
    I'll vote for anyone who's not one of the current crop of far left socialist Democrats. I'd even vote for a Democrat, if they were staunch believers in the Bill of Rights.

    But unless someone else comes along who can rally this country, better than Trump did...I'll likely back him.
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  • Posted by Sorgy 3 years, 1 month ago
    He is the only logical choice right now...but I do not expect the country to return to business-as-usual. I expect the steal to be completely exposed and those who ran it to be convicted...along with the MSM and political criminals, which will require a complete change in our 'leadership'...we have become so used to lawlessness we ignore the need for punishment...I do not. Treason is a capital crime and hangings are overdue.
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  • Posted by Snakecane 3 years, 1 month ago
    I am Canadian, so I cannot vote, but may I respectfully suggest that Mr. Trump should be supported only if he promises to drain the swamp, and urges criminal indictments against those who broke the law and shredded the constitution in their pursuit of power, money and influence, who rigged the last election, and who mismanaged the Covid 19 situation. It's a huge agenda, but the oligarchs must be stopped, and new protections of individual rights put into place. He must promise to act swiftly if elected. Really, the only choice is between Mr. Trump and Mr. DeSantis. I fear, however, that the ruthless Fascists now in power in the United States will manufacture a crisis in an effort to stay in power, and dispense with elections that they know they will lose.
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  • Posted by LarryHeart 3 years, 1 month ago
    Hmm Principles'? How about "America First", "Fake News", revealing the massive corruption of the Democrat Communists, "A President can keep in touch with the people" "Old people can be full of energy. Older people can teach others new tricks. Even an ego maniac can be effective and protect the country. Public Opinion is more real than reality. We are subject to continuous propaganda. How a President can motivate without lies and spin. The slow dumb bureaucracy can be sped up. Boosting the economy to the highest heights ever. Tax and regulation cuts really is good for the country. Fought a brave fight against the lying scum. Created the most loyalty to a President in ages. Businessmen make a better leader than a befuddled politician whose only business is Monkey Business. A Marriage can survive adultery and gossip. A woman keeps a man on the straight and narrow except for his mouth. Men look good in business clothes even if they are overweight. etc.. . . .. .
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  • Posted by Tavolino 3 years, 1 month ago
    Nearly two years ago the same discussion appeared on the Gulch, and I listed the following response. As usual, the prophetic genius of Rand has come to be. Read the last paragraph and just substitute Trump for Nixon and Biden for McGovern. Or remove the personalities (Alinsky’s 12th rule) and use republican/democrat, right/left, conservative/liberal, American/anti-American (any individual issue), and likely the “unprincipled” vote for a victorious Trump may have prevented today’s empirical reality.

    With all that’s being exposed, not only with the immoral politicization of this horrible medical crisis, but also the revelations of the corruption and abuse of power of the deep bureaucratic state, and the vying for power, this next election and the following two terms, will determine the future of this great country. For all the never-Trumpers, the “ivory tower” Objectivists (not the real-world Objectivists), rinos, moderate democrats, and the undecided middle, the following may be enlightening. Many wonder who Ayn Rand would vote for if she were alive, and maybe the conclusion of her letter from Vol. 1, No. 24, 8/28/72, will possibly shed some light. Pay particular attention to her last paragraph.

    To the great credit of the American people, the polls taken immediately after the Democratic Convention showed a significant drop in McGovern’s popularity and a significant rise in Nixon’s. At this writing, Nixon leads by the enormous figure of 26%.

    I am not an admirer of President Nixon, as my readers know. But I urge every able-minded voter, of any race, creed, color, age, sex, or political party, to vote for Nixon – as a matter of national emergency. This is no longer an issue of choosing the lesser of two commensurate evils. The choice is between a flawed candidate representing Western civilization – and the perfect candidate of its primordial enemies.

    If there were some campaign organization called “Anti-Nixonites for Nixon,” it would name my position.

    The worst thing said about Nixon is that he cannot be trusted, which is true: he cannot be trusted to save this country. But one thing is certain: McGovern can be trusted to destroy it.

    Ayn Rand
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  • Posted by tutor_turtle 3 years, 1 month ago
    The alternative is a ex-grifter who poops himself in public and a known puta with the lowest popularity numbers in American political history. Trader Joe has the Midas Touch, in reverse.

    Life was good under Trump. I'm all orange, baby.
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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 3 years, 1 month ago
    Look at all the work Trump's opposition put in to get rid of him. The CCP Virus did its job and got rid of Trump. Or did it? Trump promised to drain the swamp, and it was rather clear that he could not possibly do that in four years.

    You cannot just "tell" people, you have to show them, and Biden is doing that for us. Notice that Trump has yet to concede that he lost in 2020. Some have said, "It's going to be messy. Eat the popcorn and enjoy the show." I agree. Look what's happening. "Atlas Shrugged, Now In Non-fiction!"
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  • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 1 month ago
    I'll not vote until vote counting is proven fairly done and transparent.
    Voting is rigged against voters and for the deep state.
    Repeating the same action and expecting a different result is insanity.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 3 years, 1 month ago
    I'm 50-50 on this. While he's a known quantity I still don't fully trust him. Sure, he's the best choice of a variety of shitty options, but isn't that always the case? We never have to actual choices. It could just be time for the cow to get off life support after being gang-raped and abused by the world so as to get back to milk-producing fitness (cash generating) for the next pillaging.

    Things can't be more obvious after the last election. Trumps passivity standing down and stepping aside is in neon glaring contrast to his persona and its a nice long stretch at the teat for the looters. Even with evidence, what got done to prevent it from happening again? The chessboard is reset. Lets forget and move on. Optics my ass.

    Disband the fedgov. Rebuild it according to its constitutional mandate. Restore the republic. Abolish the IRS and have state levy their own taxes to which a portion (2%) is given to the fedgov as its budget. Eliminate the dept of education, eliminate all welfare, eliminate all foreign aide. Don't imprison, no plea deals, hang everyone who committed treason and strip their families of the wealth globally, leaving that threat looming over anyone desiring to hold future office.

    I'm leery to trust anyone in government, media, sports, or medicine, and that includes Trump as well.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 1 month ago
      That's a program I can agree with, AJA.

      Unfortunately, unless there is either:

      (1) a widespread fatal virus that only affects bureaucrats in DC (and corrupt businessmen)
      (2) a broad successful secession of all the fly-over states into a new republic with strict constitutional principles (and penalties for the corrupt),

      there is little chance of this taking hold.

      I would love to be wrong about this.
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    • Posted by mhubb 3 years, 1 month ago
      name someone better than Trump and i am in
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 3 years, 1 month ago
        You make my point. We do not have a choice and haven't had one in some time. Look back, in my memory was there never a primary with two viable options for the betterment of this nation? And, you think after all this fraud you're getting a choice now? Who would the left run against Trump? Moochle? Hillary? Synema (leftist)?

        To do so they would have to rise enough nationally to take note of. The entire establishment is geared toward preventing that from happening. The US should have at least 6 political parties and there should always be a culling process and then a final election process.

        Further, all funding to candidates should be nixed with TV and Air time being allotted to candidates on government run entities (CSPAN, NPR, etc.) on an equal basis. Any donated money and additional air/TV time to candidates should be coming from their home states for rally's, publication and transportation costs. All of that should be tightly scrutinized, open to public examination and entirely accountable. Nothing, not a cent (or 250 million cents) should be coming from out of the country.

        My opinion, and I wrote about this, we need a NONE OF THESE on every ballot, at ever level and for every idea. A NONE OF THESE winner causes a re-election where candidate have to start again, no refunds and no credits.
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        • Posted by 3 years, 1 month ago
          I prefer a system in which:
          1. Each candidate should be limited to $20 million total to spend on the election, both primary and general elections.
          2. Campaigning should be prohibited prior to January 1st of the election year for primaries with all parties held on the same day 120 days later. And do away with conventions.
          3. After the primaries comes a one month pause.
          4. After the month pause, the general election is held in 90 days, during which candidates may campaign.
          5. Inauguration is 30 days after Election Day.
          Before anyone pulls out “first amendment” or “freedom of speech” arguments, please note that the Constitution does not specify that limits on campaigning is prohibited, and in fact leaves the manner that elections are scheduled up to the States. It only proscribes Election Day on the first Tuesday in November.
          I’m sick to death of the non-stop campaigns that start almost as soon as a president is sworn in. I believe that such campaigns make the candidates less focused on the people’s business, and makes it in his/her interests to be more argumentative and disagreeable.
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          • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 3 years, 1 month ago
            My thinking is that the entirety of the populace pays into the fedgov meaning NPR and the CSPANS are our products. Removing the expense of media by forcing the candidates to use NPR radio and the CSPANS to covey their messages when not in person can only help.

            Other than that I agree with you.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 1 month ago
    I'm torn over Trump. I love that he was a speedbump to the new world order and leftist progs. I used to giggle at that all the time. That said - I think he spent the last half of his term too deep in mean tweets and not getting things done that he should have got done. I still have a little faith (not much) that an intelligent, effective pro-liberty person can be elected. I don't know...maybe I'm fooling myself and we're already past the edge. Yeah. Probably...
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years, 1 month ago
    Trump has some baggage, which could prove counter productive. He has taken the vax, but was it Fauci version, or DARPA version, which would not wipe out immune sys.? He could not focus on being in touch, and had no real advosors to cover for him, while he tweeted with the VIEW! He and Pence blew vaccine oversight. Then he made Hunter the campaign issue, when he should have exposed the Green New Deal as plagiarized verion of what we rejeted for yars UN Agenda 21, which was deisigned to depopulate and take our rights away.. We knew the election would be stolen, Biden even admitted it happened on TV, but Trump seemed unable to wrap his head aroundd it. He was great at business, but the Pbama's behind the curtian scheming with the deep state, as he promised to do when he left Oval Office,, went right past them. While Obma met with V. Jarrett and GAtes in prrep for this "reset", Trump folks seems clueless. Not sure tht will make it again. He need someone younger, more in tune with the evils of the deept state, and ready to go for the juglar.
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  • Posted by NealS 3 years, 1 month ago
    The key here is to insure enough voters pull their heads out of the sand and start becoming responsible. It is the responsibility of each one of us to work hard to help at least one voting person see the truth and take responsibility for their vote. I think I have convinced my eldest son that he needs to vote and not let his wife see his ballet ever again. He's still angry that I called him "politically ignorant" and won't retract it. It's taken a long time but he has a decent inheritance to protect, especially if the government doesn't take too big a share. I tell him there is nothing in it for me anymore and he's just lucky that I don't vote the other way just for spite or because he doesn't deserve the freedom I literally fought for.
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    • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 3 years, 1 month ago
      Unless of course you have an overwhelming amount of people voting for someone competent and then congress, the DOJ, and everyone else in government (federal and state) allows the vote to be fixed and does nothing about it.

      Why vote to propagate/advance a system that lacks any semblance of integrity?
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      • Posted by NealS 3 years, 1 month ago
        Agree, but, I still believe not voting is unrealistic, it would evolve to just allowing the wacko's to remain in control. I also believe if we have another crooked election that the right does not have enough (guts) to put a stop to it or correct it.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 1 month ago
          Getting out and voting provides for a landslide that can not be denied. The cheating becomes much more difficult. Like 2020 we can see the election fraud was massive in most states. More votes than registered voters gives a clue.
          Elections never have 100% turn out period . End of story. But no , not end of story there is literally a hundred ways they cheated US to engineer this Color Revolution. We are at war and ignoring that fact is detrimental. It is not a war with guns and missiles . But Truth and Lies , Good vs Evil , traitors vs Patriots . I know what side you are on,
          and welcome.
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          • Posted by NealS 3 years, 1 month ago
            I see the problem as being the more "it" goes on the closer we get to war with guns, not just words. And Washington State is again working on reclassifying all semi-auto's as assault weapons. It's obvious why.
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        • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 3 years, 1 month ago
          insanity - doing something repeatedly and expecting a different outcome each time.

          a few decades more and they can wallow and fester in their own shit..without my help getting there.
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  • Posted by starguy 3 years, 1 month ago
    Unlike Brandon, Trump has a genuine love for the USA.
    That said, there are two, major red flags from Trump 1.0:
    making the feckless Jeff Sessions his AG, who promptly recused himself from the Russiagate investigation, because he promised Al Franken he would do so. We are still living with the Russiagate turmoil, because Sessions didn't put a stop to the whole mess.
    giving Fauci a platform and credibility, for becoming the front-man for the Wu Flu fiasco. Instead of easing Fauci aside, with a thank-you and a gentle nudge, Trump deferred to Fauci at every turn. We are still paying the price for that.
    If Trump does run in 2024 (Trump 2.0), these are things to consider.
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    • Posted by tutor_turtle 3 years, 1 month ago
      A couple of things about Fauci (aka Dr. Evil) He had been making murder bugs for the DoD for 40 years. (Get RFK Jr's new book on Fauci) Damn hard to uproot a picker bush that entrenched. People who crossed swords with him (Dr. Judy Mikoviks) ended up in jail, her life and career in ruins, others have died unexplained deaths. He is like a James Bond Super Villain.
      Trump certainly has some bad advisors, no doubt.
      Perhaps worse of all, Like Howard Hughes, Trump is a germ-o-phobe.
      Senator (and Dr.) Rand Paul has been tearing Dr Evil to shreds on the witness stand. He ain't long for this world.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 1 month ago
      The infiltration of this cancerous enemy is vast. The enemy had the bull horn, not anymore . The RINO ’s were thick like thieves during Sessions act. Look at it as a massive sting operation still underway. this game is far from over . Trump caught them all. He put Fraudauci front and center. He exposed them for what only a few of us knew. Just a year ago people would not believe the whole medical establishment is corrupt. Today a majority does. You are witnessing the dismantling of the old guard. 28 dems not running , hmmm seems they want out. Reason they know the gig is up.
      Check mate! NCSWIC.
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  • Posted by martinmetz 3 years, 1 month ago
    I think there are real considerations to think about if former President Trump runs again. He will step into the same hostile Deep State environment he left and will have to firmly reestablish his position, fill staff, and absolutely fully clean house with the other side fighting him tooth and claw.. Assuming a Republican majority in both chambers, some difficulties could be overcome. You can still expect the same resistance and nastiness from his opponents though. One term is likely NOT going to be enough. Trump moves fast, but he needs two terms to make it happen. He won't have the time. Also, even as healthy and robust as he is, age is still going to be a concern. If he doesn't run, whomever does will undoubtedly be endorsed and supported by Trump. As a liberty-loving Independent, I'll support whomever the Republicans bring forward. A Trump endorsement frosts the cake.
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