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  • Posted by mhubb 3 years ago
    it means that this nation is falling apart due to a certain level of acceptance/justifying of crime by liberals

    it also means schools are failing to do their job
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    • Posted by 3 years ago
      So you would find more reasons to imprison at a higher rate. The US has had the high incarceration rate for decades. Back in the South African apartheid days, the USA was second in the world and now has largest per capita rate. Something needs repair for a free country, not more made up crimes.
      The liberals want to decriminalize most all property crimes and other actual crimes against others and create crimes taking away what are actual liberties of free individuals. Both liberals and conservatives are guilty in making up new crimes.
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      • Posted by mhubb 3 years ago
        i would punish people for their crimes

        i would also demand that the schools be made to function again

        i would remove the welfare state that destroyed black families that lead to this increase in crime

        you want criminals out of jail?
        you are welcome to use you home for that

        made up crimes???

        murder, rape, theft
        drugs trade
        corrupt politicians
        are not made up crimes
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