UCHealth Reports Uptick In Cancer Diagnosis Amid COVID Pandemic

Posted by JohnRandALL 3 years ago to Science
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FORT COLLINS, Colo. (CBS4) – UCHealth, one of Colorado’s largest medical providers, reports a recent uptick in cancer diagnosis. The health system tells CBS4 the influx of detected cancer cases in recent months has exceeded their predictions and is largely correlated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

(credit: Getty Images)
Because many were fearful of the virus, were in quarantine or because doctor offices were closed, many regular screenings were either delayed or postponed. For all of those reasons, many people were not rescheduling necessary appointments or were simply avoiding getting checkups.

UCHealth reports a recent increase in cancer diagnosis as well as detecting cases at more advanced stages than before the pandemic.

(UC Health notes increase in cancer cases, but falsely attributes it to people failing to get regular screenings, when in fact the increase is due to the covid vaccine. More lies from mainstream medicine, covering up the truth.)

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  • Posted by $ blarman 3 years ago
    This was noted months ago by a doctor in my area. His practice was handling much of the testing and diagnostic testing (blood work, etc.) for the local hospitals, so he had all the data to back up his concerns. He put out an hour-long video which was detailed and deeply concerning. He was immediately pilloried in the local media even though he is the most qualified virologist in the entire state.

    I am just wondering when the civil war will begin and the left will get what it wants in their declaration that only one side can prevail: annihilation.
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  • Posted by 3 years ago
    Certainly some of the increase could be delayed screenings and cancelled appointments, but I think UC Health is ignoring the possibility that the vaccine itself, by interfering with our body's normal process to stop early cancer cell transformation, is a factor.
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    • Posted by $ rainman0720 3 years ago
      [sarcasm font on]

      But you're wrong. You're spreading misinformation! The vaccines are PERFECTLY safe. Haven't you been listening to His Royal Highness tell us that? There's absolutely NO reason that ANYONE should refuse to get jabbed. Just ask Fausti and he'll tell you as much.

      (edited for a mis-spell)

      [sarcasm font off]
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      • Posted by term2 3 years ago
        I dont believe anything the most highly paid government employee tells us. I think he had something to do with making covid strains more powerful and should be sent over to china to live.
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  • Posted by peterchunt 3 years ago
    Whether to get a vaccine or not is a cost-benefit analysis. Is the cost such as the potential to have adverse consequences such as cancer outweigh the benefit of getting them such as a lesser chance of getting covid or the more severe type of covid. You have to make your own decision.
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    • Posted by $ TomB666 3 years ago
      It's hard to do a cost benefit analysis when you only have apples and oranges to compare. The Covid 'vaccine' can only be called a vaccine because the CDC redefined what the word vaccine means. It is nothing like the polio vaccine that we all took as children.
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      • Posted by term2 3 years ago
        I took the jabs, but I didnt like the whole idea of something that upsets dna. for a whole day after the second jab, I had terrible pains in an otherwise perfectly healthy ankle. Fortunately the pain went away. I hadnt gotten covid all the time before I took the jabs, and havent been sick since. I just dont trust the government any more.
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        • Posted by $ TomB666 3 years ago
          Trust the government - there is the key. I forgot how the government told everybody that the social security number would not be an ID number - a universal identifier - but then... When I joined the USAF everyone was given a unique ID number until one day we were told our SSN would be our ID from then on. Also. when I enlisted (in 1963) one of the recruiters selling points was that if I stayed for 20 years I'd get 1/2 of my pay for life. The military was sued for that lie, but the court said too bad to those of us who actually believed such a thing. That is just my personal experience in trusting the government - ask Geronimo how it worked for him! As I look at history I see more and more that the government LIES as a matter of routine. If you ever trust the government you are foolish, and I admit I was foolish as a young man. Whatever the government does is for the expedience of the moment with no thought of actually honoring any commitment made. After all they might not still be in office when it comes time to make good on the promise - or might be fired for trying to keep the promise. I did not trust the government when it first said it was safe and necessary and have not had a shot of that poison and do not intend to ever take it. If you did and survived that is your good luck and not due to the government actually doing anything to help you.
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          • Posted by term2 3 years ago
            The goal of government is to promote itself and its minions. Results of government programs other than that are totally accidental. Take a look at the social security ponzi scheme "trust fund"
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years ago
    Yeah...the mRNA vaccines should increase cancers. No surprise. Actually...a lot of vaccines have been tied to various cancers. You know when a 6-year old gets a brain tumor and dies?...Well...That's all I'm going to say about that. Maybe you can google the genetics of those tumors...maybe not....
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  • Posted by mhubb 3 years ago
    lots of possible reason
    the faux shots

    delay in seeing about a possible problem, doc offices closed to seeing people in person

    trained med people being fired for following their faiths
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  • Posted by term2 3 years ago
    Been to a hospital lately? Its a sad experience with cost cutting, treatment cutbacks, not to mention the fear of catching covid while in the hospital.
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