Jan 21 Movie Premiere: "Unsilenced" - CCP Persecution of Dissenters

Posted by $ DriveTrain 3 years, 1 month ago to Entertainment
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This is a heads-up that tomorrow, January 21, 2022, is the U.S. premiere of Leon Lee's dramatic exposé of the Chinese Communist Party's crackdown and persecution of the Falun Gong sect of Buddhism, told through the true story of a Beijing university student. An article with a 10-minute NTD interview vid of Lee about the film's development and about the fact that everybody involved is basically risking their lives just for having worked on it, is here:

The film's official site, which includes a map where you can access a list of theaters, is here:

I'm putting this under the "Entertainment" category even though it touches more on politics and culture - the film is based closely on true events, so it's basically a dramatized documentary. And one does not need to be a Buddhist to understand the evil involved here - or of the logical extrapolation of this kind of persecution to any dissenting belief.

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  • Posted by $ 3 years, 1 month ago
    I saw the film on Saturday the 22nd. The suspense is seat-squirming intense, it is frequently very, very difficult to watch, but ultimately the story is triumphant, albeit with the ongoing, as-we-sit-here imprisonment and torture of Chinese dissidents still in full force.

    Again, I urge people here to look up a theater and go out to see this. It's time well spent and information every American should have.
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