Hi. My name is... Kate Jones

Posted by $ puzzlelady 12 years, 7 months ago to Philosophy
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Objectivism aficionado since 1957; adherent of rationality since birth, despite all efforts by others to indoctrinate my mind into faith-based obedience. Rand provided the intellectual ammunition to preserve my independent and intransigent free will. Am writing a book integrating Objectivist epistemology and my own original meme theory. Your intelligent and civil discussions are invited.
SOURCE URL: http://www.gamepuzzles.com

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  • Posted by $ alexmironov 9 years, 5 months ago
    Dear Kate,
    I'd like to cordially invite you to join my Objectivist friends and me as we celebrate the official launch of the Maryland Objectivist Society (MOS)! At our launch event, you’ll have the chance to learn about MOS, our purpose and capabilities, and how you can have a voice in deciding what we do. And there will be great food, intelligent conversation, and the company of rational individuals to make the event even more of a success! We look forward to celebrating with you and sharing with you how your support can help MOS to keep the Lights of the West shining! You can get more information and purchase your ticket here: goo.gl/sVMH1w.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
      Thanks, Alex, I'd like to be a part of our MOS and attend some of your events, when I'm not out of town on business. Nov. 21 I can't make it. Please keep me informed of your future events. I may event host an event for you at our house, which has a largish ballroom that can accommodate up to 50 people. Please do keep in touch.
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