The only Western reporter on the ground in Ukraine

Posted by Dobrien 3 years ago to Entertainment
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With the Fake news already caught recycling and using a photo of an apartment gas explosion in 2018 as What Putin is doing to civilians today. Shameful really!

Patrick Lancaster truly appears to be the only western reporter on the ground in Donetsk, talking to people, finding out why men in their late 60s are enlisting, to “defend their fatherland,” against (their words) “Ukrainian fascists,” and put an end to an 8 year war Americans don’t know about. Amazing. He’s been reporting on War in Dombass war since the very beginning eight years ago. The story he is telling is not something we see reflected in the mass media. This morning I took this photo of the cover of the NY Post. It’s propaganda at its finest, and I felt punched in the face.

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years ago
    Going through my massive conservative email this morning, me dino read in a couple of places that reports that a very unhappy Putin is frustrated by all the Ukrainian resistance so far.
    Evidently that Russian tyrant thought conquering the Ukraine would be a breeze.
    Me dino is really beginning to admire the bravery of the Ukrainian people. Even their leaders aren't running away. I recall reading of other wars how whole defeated governments would get out of Dodge by taking refuge in other nations.
    A couple of days ago I read there's a large number of Russians protesting Putin's war. Yesterday I read some are being beat up by Putin's police. Gee, why am I suddenly thinking of Trudeau's police?
    Anyway, I saw nothing about Russian war protestors at all.
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