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Well worth the 20 minutes to watch.
Describes in detail how hospitals are being paid over $100,000 in bonuses per COVID patient, and getting bonuses for every COVID test and positive COVID test - using the inaccurate tests that give many false positives.
This is a corrupt system that created a pandemic where there was no need, and created the so-called "emergency" authorization for dangerous untested vaccines.
Trillions have been wasted on this to further weaken the economies of the US, Europe, Australia, NZ, making their people dependent on corrupt governments.
Drip drip drip will soon be a flood.
The bull horn is being wrestled away from the fake news. Bring on Truth/social. Expect more False Fl
This just went out across our conservative network. We have 3 school board challengers for a Feb primary...enough to overturn the board.
It's not just school districts. I did a preemptive on our Mayor last Monday night regarding formation of an EDI committee. I had six comments after the meeting, in essence: We've never seen him get that red in the face before.
It was different as it started in the throat. , went to the sinus and quickly dropped to the chest and the sinus cleared then a few days later back to the sinus . It certainly wasn’t severe. No fever to speak of . Unlike the Initial Covid19 fear porn where no one I knew got it. Almost every one has got this bug and four extended faxed family tested positive. I keep up a regiment of elderberry/ zinc ,D3 , Vit C. I am looking to add quercetin and or NAC.
Elderberry and Black Chokeberry are the highest form of natural Quercetin. Better when alcohol extracted....a lil cinnamon/mandarin orange/honey for flavoring. I'm tweaking my rum and vodka extracts....a 20 quart ordeal to suffer until next fall......