Civil War II
it's getting to the point on any and every issue, the question is not what is being done fairly and according to the law, but rather what are you going to do about it (?). That will become known as the "US Civil War II". This is what happens when the law of the land and the will of the people is totally ignored. There is more than one way out. That war could be fought without firing a shot if only we had strong enough people to lead and enforce it. I only hope I get to see it come to fruition before I depart this earth.
If they persist. Warn them of the dangers of high speed lead poisoning.
While I do adhere to the Non Aggression Principle (NAP)
I stand ready and able to embrace the Aggression Principle when provoked.
I truly do not fear living in a dystopian society. Because, I’ll be dead by the time it comes to that. Possibly from natural causes.