The Means Are The End, by Robert Gore, Straight Line Logic
Ignore the words and slogans associated with humanity’s periodic descents into death and destruction and what’s left? What’s on the other side of the rhetoric and ritualistic ends-justify-the-means rationalizations? More death and destruction. The means are the end, there’s nothing else. The dictators kill their way to the top and then keep on killing. Many of their victims believe the rhetoric. A few grasp during their last moments that their killers meant to kill them all along.
Humanity is once again confronted by a movement that once again claims our subjugation and its absolute power will lead to utopia. Along the way a few must be sacrificed for the greater good. If things go according to plan, few will mean billions, but the promised paradise will be worth it. Paradise for the homicidal psychopaths promoting and perpetrating these horrors is a world turned into a charnel house. The object of murder is murder.
This is an excerpt. For the complete article please click the above link.
Humanity is once again confronted by a movement that once again claims our subjugation and its absolute power will lead to utopia. Along the way a few must be sacrificed for the greater good. If things go according to plan, few will mean billions, but the promised paradise will be worth it. Paradise for the homicidal psychopaths promoting and perpetrating these horrors is a world turned into a charnel house. The object of murder is murder.
This is an excerpt. For the complete article please click the above link.
You are one of the few who recognized the danger even before the method was initiated.
As you said, it's late, but perhaps it's not too late for half of the living to survive.
It may take many generations before the species naturally mutates enough to recreate the world we have known.
Have you found any reliable source of information on the effect of this virus on the Chinese?
The reported number of 'cases' and deaths that I see seem to indicate a much lower effect on the Chinese, 68 per million compared to 143,000 per million reported in USA.
2,100 times more case frequency per capita.
That is what one might expect from a bio-weapon, but it also could indicate that the CCP is not reporting real results.
About the Chinese:
"Reliable source of information" is almost an oxymoron when talking about the Chinese. I can't claim to any certainty about anything I read or hear about China, going any direction--they're bad! they're bad; they're not so bad! they're not so bad! they're good! they're good!--depending on the ideological orientation of the person writing or speaking. I would certainly take their government's case and death numbers with a shaker of salt, just as I do the US government's.