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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 4 months ago
    I think there is a point at which these people stop thinking and go into a daze. They are wealthy beyond belief and even they never imagined they could manage such value. And, they can't! So then they only want the power it can bring.
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  • Posted by ErikAZ 3 years, 4 months ago
    I like him. He starts companies that are layer acquired for big dollars. He provides jobs. Tech advances, profits. He's advancing technology, self driving cars and trucks. He offered $6b to solve world hunger if they could prove it would help (recent news). He's a bit eccentric like me. I can relate to him. His founding of SpaceX is brilliant in my opinion. He's a compulsive workaholic who deserves the fruits of his labor.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 4 months ago
      I would agree that someone who produces a valuable product deserves what the free market is willing to pay for that product. That is not true of Musk. His 'business' was created and survives because government is transferring scarce resources from our accounts to his via rebates on cars that most of us cannot afford to buy. Yet we have to pay for a portion of the Tesla cars that the wealthy buy to make Musk wealthy.
      If only the 'fruits' of his labor weren't being stolen from the 'fruits' of our labor.
      The system rewards those who suck from the federal tit. Musk is one of the biggest federal tit suckers in history.
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      • Posted by ErikAZ 3 years, 4 months ago
        I agree about the tax rebates for electric cars and solar in that respect. I also believe though that he's visionary and takes chances. His first two businesses (software and paypal) were successes.

        I'm in the process of putting solar on my new home and there is a tax benefit for it. But I would buy it even if there wasn't. In the long run it will save me money.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 4 months ago
          The 'long run' would be much longer if your neighbors weren't forced by government to help pay for it, but I 'get' it. It doesn't take much of a return to beat interest rates paying 0.01% on your cash, so I do understand the investment rationale. It could also keep you alive when the grid power fails and that is a great reason to have an independent source of electric power. The problem is that the policies defeat the efficiency of the free market. A lot of resources are being 'wasted' and impairing competitiveness in America (which, imo, is part of a larger conspiracy to prevent competition from small business and ingenious individuals.)
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