Massachusetts Schools and CRT Facing Lawsuit.
Posted by katrinam41 3 years, 4 months ago to Education
If this is typical of our school systems in this country, it's almost too late to stop the carnage being done to our kids' minds and mental health. I did say "almost". School boards in Loudoun County, VA threatened non-complying members with dismissal. The national PTA threatened non-compliant local PTA groups with removal from the organization, but parents and organizations are fighting back.
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- 3Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 4 months agoThe Gov of Texas says we cannot teach CRT in our schools. I am definitely going to drag my family to the polls to vote for him AGAIN. And those darlings who are protesting Texas' stand on abortion should mind what is happening in their states. Communists!Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 1Posted by katrinam41 3 years, 4 months agoGovernor Abbott is one of several reasons Texas calls my name. Another reason is my daughter and son-in-law in Cibolo. If only my son and daughter-in-law and the kids could move, too, but they live 800 feet away as the crow flies and can't leave for at least 2 years. Our RINO Governor here better not get back into politics in this state, but should join his Socialist cronies in DC after the elections in November. Hang in there, Texas!Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|