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    Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years, 5 months ago
    Clooney is a Looney, but he's on to something...he just doesn't know it.
    Yes!...Trump was so good at what he did, everyone's else's approval numbers pale in comparison.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 5 months ago
    Re that first hideous meme, the book upon which Obama's "religion of peace" is based says it's okay to do terrible things to people who do not believe in the teachings of the "prophet" Mohammad.
    As for Batman slapping Robin, that's what me dino would like to do Republicans who speak so confidently on TV about winning seats in 2022 and the presidency during 2024.
    Ain't saying we SOMEHOW will--but damn! We've already seen how Marxists who hate our Republic don't play fair during elections.
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 3 years, 5 months ago
    Between the two: Fauci and Baphomet - I'll take Baphomet ANY DAY. At least we know who he is, and he's not faking anything. Editing to add: He's also just a statue, not a living being.
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    • Posted by RevJay4 3 years, 5 months ago
      But, true evil does exist. The elite are proving that every freaking day with their latest schemes to control the sheeple.
      Fauxi is just their representative mouthing their orders, as is the Obiden, if they can keep him on script.
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      • Posted by $ gharkness 3 years, 5 months ago
        I have no doubt true evil does exist. It just exists in the physical form of entities like Fauci, and the Baphomet statue (often mistaken for Satan) stands for a FAR less dangerous "idea" than does Fauci. I promise you that Baphomet will NEVER hurt you....but Fauci will, and he will be grinning the entire time.
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  • Posted by shaifferg 3 years, 5 months ago
    There is someone that has the required power to stop this. It is We the people, we hold the power and ALLOWED this to happen! We ignored enough of our CIVIC duty to be involved in local, state and federal elections, ignored our schoolboards allowing the unions (cea,nea, and aft) to eliminate and even falsify the country's history. Visit the PatriotAcademy,com and view the 8 week series Biblical Citizenship in Modern America. If for you the taint of religion is to much to tolerate then the 10 week Constitution Alive series might be an alternative choice. Look also at Kirk Cameron's Monumental documentary. 76 years old and discovering truths that were suppressed and not taught even by the 1950's. Much had been revised, reversed and ommitted during the preceding 50 years.The contract with We the People has been violated it is time to enforce that contrace:: The Constitution of the United States of America. Any one for tea? Lets party. It may not be objectivist but there are truths that need action on in order for our freedoms be be recovered. Didn't realize where this was going when I started so now eor (end of rant).
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  • Posted by katrinam41 3 years, 5 months ago
    I recently started getting rid of excess everything. Now I start using and enjoying the good stuff I have saved for the right time. You nailed it, Dobrien. Now IS the right time. Good batch of truth in those memes.
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  • Posted by LarryHeart 3 years, 5 months ago
    The problem with all this is no one that has the power to do something is doing anything but talk. Those who would do something have no power to do so. Th4e only way to fix this country is to convince the states to call a convention of the states to repeal and replace amendments which have led to the federal government and political parties to usurp power and the taxing authority that funds power..
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    • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
      Take heart , LarryHeart. You might consider this , why is the media continually hammering Trump? Why are they calling his supporters domestic terrorists? Because they are scared to death of him. Devolution playing out now as the left continues their Color Revolution. This is war . It is irregular , informational, Uncivil War. We the people are more powerful than the Deep State is. The people have just started to hold the line. This country when founded had a small band of poorly equipped Soldiers who fought the most powerful
      Nation in the world to win our independence.
      Most of the battles were lost. The Evil has pushed US to the edge. For the first time in my life the truth is exposed and we have a phenomenal fighter who is leading US. Let’s go Brandon.
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    • Posted by Flootus5 3 years, 5 months ago
      Unfortunately, while the COS Con-Con sounds great at first blush, beware. It is the ultimate Trojan Horse to get the camel's nose under the tent.

      The COS boys latest attempt to give this bad idea legs is that they are proposing to wrap all calls for a Con-Con from the States into an aggregate for a perceived majority. Even if the call is way old and out of date and does not specify the same reason(s) for the call for a Con-Con. One of the calls to be aggregated dates to the late 1700's, for christs sakes. A really bad idea.

      The COS boys have always passed off the idea that to prevent a runaway convention where we'll end up with a completely new constitution (written by you knows whos), is that the calls for a Con-Con specifies the same reason and topic for the Con-Con. Ex: the Balanced Budget Amendment that was popular a few decades ago. Now knowing that a majority of 34 States with the same specified (and a theoretically limiting reason confining a Con-Con to that one topic only) will not be reached, they are attempting this aggregation maneuver.

      The additional problem with the Con-Con concept is that it assumes that suddenly the globalist elite/Deep State whatevers will start obeying the even if only slightly modified constitution.

      If we can't get the current constitution enforced - which is the only viable solution - it is indeed over with nothing left but the shooting.
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      • Posted by LarryHeart 3 years, 5 months ago
        If you would read the material at the Society Project you will see that it is possible to have a Convention of the States (A constitutional convention is not the same thing) which avoids the very realistic problems you mention. The Society Project is also an agenda with specific amendment language to be proposed.
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        • Posted by Flootus5 3 years, 5 months ago
          Having already read this group's website and that of Mark Meckler's COS Con-Con that is somehow not a Con-Con is why I made these remarks. They are great at pointing out all the problems we are already too painfully aware of, but very short on addressing the obvious concerns that many have raised about this COS Convention concept that is not a Constitutional Convention but instead is a Convention about a Constitution.

          I find nothing that actually addresses these concerns about a "runaway" Convention nor addressing how many Soros funded leftists are barely concealed in the wings of this ill-advised concept. And absolutely nothing as to how or why the statists are going to follow even a deftly and correctly amended constitution over the existing brilliant, timeless freedom supporting framework already drafted. The only product of such a Convention that the statist/leftists barely concealed by the curtains in the wings are going to honor is one made in their preferred viewpoint. The UN Charter comes to mind.
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      • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
        100% correct. We have a constitution. It is the law of the land and these people who take an oath to defend it must be held to a higher standard. The elected seem to think that means higher status. If they don’t defend it . Jail or worse depending on the severity.
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