Protesting Parents are aThreat to School Boards

Posted by katrinam41 3 years, 4 months ago to Education
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The National School Board Association is requesting that the feds step in to stop "threats" and "violence" to School board members. The parents are loudly protesting ciriculum changes like CRT , alternate lifestyles, unsuitable literature and mask mandates. The Board is calling on the Administration to involve the FBI and Homeland Security, among others. In other words, the boards don't want parents anywhere near their precious Socialist programming scheme.

My solution? Pull the tykes out of the system and homeschool them until parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts run for a seat on the school board and take back our achools.

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  • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 4 months ago
    The school boards are losing the optics and narrative fight so they’re begging the media and Joe Biden to help them smear innocent concerned parents as “Domestic terrorists.” They are calling for Biden to have the FBI investigate you and your family. These people are communists and child abusers through and through. YOU MUST REMOVE THEM FROM THE SCHOOL BOARD AT ALL COSTS.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 4 months ago
    You saw the recent Project Veritas on the commie teacher in Natomas? That was right near us. I watched the resulting school board meeting a few days later there live. There were some harmless yet angry parents. The school board said they were taking a break then they snuck out the back door. I personally believe that these dolts (who spent maybe $1000 on their own campaigns) are routinely told (threatened) that they can't act against the marxists. They won't fire the commie teacher who told Project Veritas he "scares the fuck out of the kids" to turn them to communism. It's a complete, un-American, disgrace. We're selling all our California real estate and will be completely out by next school year. Deep roots here. But, we're pulling them...
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 3 years, 4 months ago
    Parent's don't share ownership of their children. If schools attempt to parent they have to expect protest. I schools listened to parents there wouldn't be a need for heated conversations. Like our fedgv, schools/teachers are overstepping their authority and need to be brought back in line.

    OP: not everyone can home school due to time or ability. I chose online school and it worked for my son.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 4 months ago
      Online works fine with me. It worked well for my grandkids during that "two week" lockdown.
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 3 years, 4 months ago
        When my kids were in public school, and traditional school, there wasn't a principal or teacher who didn't know my name. Somewhere on this site I'm sure there are postings about my encounters. I never let a single opportunity pass to call out the teachers and principals on their BS. It didn't matter.

        Both of my kids are today degreed professionals (one in science and one in teaching). My greatest accomplishment, my kids, is also my deepest heartache and regret. In spite of their individual accomplishments, one is a right-leaning moderate, and the other is a leftist drone. I did all I could. I wasted no time, from infancy, showing them, teaching them and leading them by example. It made no difference.

        Adolf Hitler
        May Day 1933 When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side," I calmly say, "Your child belongs to us already... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community."
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        • Posted by 3 years, 4 months ago
          AJA you picked the perfect quote. I have two kids, 52 and 50 now, both solid conservative, self-sufficient and smart. I fought school boards for years, especially over the determination to administer Ritalin to my son. I won that battle, so they tried another tack. They stuck him in study halls instead of challenging him the right way. It backfired on them hugely when he quit in his senior year after being told he didn't have enough credits to graduate (informed us in January. He had the credits.) So he went to work part-time to pay for the 3 credits he needed to get his GED, joined the Navy, got accepted into sub school. Out of 100 to start, 18 months later he and 5 others graduated. I am very proud of both my kids for taking their lives into their own hands and succeeding. Screw the worthless education system.
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 3 years, 4 months ago
        I pulled our son out of public school in 10th grade. Public school was ineffective. Teacher fought more with control and Spanish than they taught. I enrolled my son in connections academy. He foisted his learning on his own shoulders, had deadlines to meet, and had parents who kept his feet to the fire until he did it for himself. He was caught trying to cheat on an online test, the online educators know how the common 'cut&paste' tricks. They gave him a pass (re-take the exam with the highest score he could attain being a B) but we held him accountable.

        Our son graduated with a B average from Connections Academy and taught himself to play guitar at a high level. In college he went on to be a classical guitarist for the college ensemble and received an Associates in Art. A semi professional musician, who also taught music theory at a local music school, not satisfied he enrolled in a university, did all these things he was told he was too stupid to understand by public schooling (math) and received a bachelors degree in Education (not sure what its called) so he can teach K-8.

        I spend his entirely youth teching him and his sister what was important in life, educating them on the Constitution and who we are as Americans, Putting the responsibility to learn on him was the best and greatest thing I could do. While its not for all kids, with the right support and commitment from parents it works and works supremely well. And, despite everything I tried to teach him and the end result of his individual efforts, my son is a liberal dipshit thanks to college and University and a followers mentality. I did all I could. Despite things today, pulling him from public school and putting him online for high school was probably the best decision I made for him. What more can any parent do?

        You can lead a dipshit to knowledge but you can't make him think.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 4 months ago
    Best they don't bring their little Patriot Act to Texas because I don't think they want to try to arrest Governor Abbott. He's the one who said we couldn't teach Critical Theory in our schools and I don't think the Feds are supposed to get involved in education. That was a reserved States Right!
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