Spreading the Word

Posted by fivedollargold 10 years, 6 months ago to Movies
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Ideas for publicizing our cause. 1) Ask strangers to take a photo of you wearing your "Who is John Galt" or "Atlas Shrugged" gear. 2) At Barnes & Noble (or similar establishment) go to the cafe and order a drink. When the cashier asks what name to put on your cup, reply "John Galt" or "Dagny Taggart." And your ideas?

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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 6 months ago
    Where I live it is common to say "ah, por eso" whenever someone gives a weak, excuse for delays, broken infrastructure, govt laziness. It means "ah, that is why. " it 's said with irony or sort of sadly depending. The upshot is - but what can you do? That 's how I say "who is john Galt? " which I have begun slipping into conversations with people. Most don 't even seem to notice. That 's how asleep people are. For those who do ask it 's always a treat to refer them to the novels and movies. And especially this time around because it 's the movie 's title.
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  • Posted by $ KahnQuest 10 years, 6 months ago
    I'm not one to answer my phone when I don't recognize the caller's number. Recently, though, I've begun answering with, "Who is John Galt?" No bites yet...
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