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Oh, shut up, you dumb dino, China poisoned the whole world. Not just the United States.
Yeah, smoke and mirrors. But the world does come next. Remember when Hitler said, "Today Europe, tomorrow the world!"?
Me dino knows from experience that one sand flea sting hurts like hell. Wasps, hornets and bees feel worse, but a multitude of sand fleas feeding on your head has to be hideous torture.
In a just world, Fauci would be injected with Covid. His prescribed treatment for getting sick would match a meme I saw about his head stuck in a container full of sand fleas.
Even power hungry control-freak Demonrats and RINOs have to know as much despite continuing to be lying Schiffheads.
One really good article back in spring of 2019 was from the San Diego coroner who personally re-examined 204 deaths blamed on COVID. Of the 204, only 6 were realistically attributable to COVID as the primary cause. In all other cases it was merely an exacerbating factor. That's 3%. (In case you were wondering, the CDC issued a HUGE change to coroners to list COVID as a "cause of death" rather than merely a comorbidity if only present or even only if suspected but not confirmed. This automatically leads to a huge over-reporting of deaths.)
One must also remember the Johns Hopkins research case from earlier this year which has since been pulled where a statistician from Johns Hopkins University examined the CDC's own statistics for year-over-year deaths by cause and discovered that from 2019 to 2020, the death rates of the top five causes of death in the United States dropped 80% year-over-year. When one put those numbers back in, it was discovered that COVID really only added about 15,000 deaths in total, yet was used as justifications to destroy businesses, livelihoods, and increase tyranny.
I personally, know of three people who died or almost died from the vaccines. One was my wife's high school friend. Died of a blood clot. Another was a friend of my father-in-law. Headed the search-and-rescue team. 60-yr-old in perfect health. Died two days after getting the poke of massive organ failure. Last one was my sister-in-law who had to have eleven pounds of fluid removed from her abdomen and be put on intravenous steroids to fight complications from her second "vaccination." Contrast that to the one person who I have a personal knowledge of (elderly parent of friend) dying with COVID.
It should also be noted that the full long-term effects of the "vaccinations" won't be known for another twenty years. We've already seen reports of debilitating cardiomyopathy in 20-somethings in Israel. I can only imagine that more and more of these complications are going to pop up. Good grief, the VAERS system for Europe has a confirmed 15K+ DEATHS and more than 600,000 reported severe reactions - so far.
they die
it is called covid
did the vaxx kill them or did covid or something else??
Colin Powell comes to mind
health officials
Why was COVID created and released? To kill millions and terrify a majority into giving up their freedom.
ethylene oxide, used to sterilized stuff...
and an increase in children with issues over the years
and a decrease in the use of mercury in vaccines, i worked to remove it is paints in the 80s, so i know its use has decreased
i wonder if there is a connection between ethylene oxide and children's issues
it IS the people handling it, using it