A Cure that (Maybe) won't be hidden?

Posted by $ gharkness 3 years, 2 months ago to Science
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My friend Chris Masterjohn, Ph.D. is a nutritional expert and he has a regular newsletter. This was in yesterday's report - a game changer unless they can figure out how to limit it.

We already were taking it, as a supplement, but we bought more just in case.
SOURCE URL: https://chrismasterjohnphd.com/blog/2021/10/01/the-one-amino-acid-that-cured-covid

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  • Posted by mhubb 3 years, 2 months ago
    does not matter

    the approval of the vaccines is based on fraud
    there ARE treatments
    all suppressed
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 2 months ago
      Indeed; I don't think anyone here at least suggested that there aren't any treatments. But the MORE that are exposed, the more likely the government will be called out on their malfeasance, and the more likely people are able to access them when needed.
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      • Posted by $ 3 years, 2 months ago
        Adding: or am I the only person here who has a "stash" of treatments secured in our homes, in case we need them? I have HCQ, I have L-arginine, I have N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, and when we get back from Mexico at the end of the month, we will have a stash of IVM. Plus all the standard preventatives like D3 and K2 and, and, and..... I will NOT be caught flat-footed! Editing to add: if I had to way to secure some of the infusion drug (my mind is going blank), I'd do that too, though I don't have the ability to get it, store it or use it. And Biden doesn't want Texans to have any.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 2 months ago
    When I entered college I was playing football. I decided to not partake of anabolic steroids in this endeavor. Pretty sure I was in the minority on that. I just didn't want to do them. However, a couple friends and I did do extensive research into more natural, legal supplementation to aid in strength conditioning. This was back in the 80s. I found a study back then that showed that supplementation with L-Arginine boosted growth hormone, and a couple other health effects. It was very unknown back then. Well, I tried it and did manage to put 20 pounds of muscle on in about a year. One other thing that happened...That was my first extended period in my life with no illness - no common cold, no nothing. I've since seen some literature indicating this amino acid does help the immune system. I haven't given it much thought lately until I saw this article. My friends and I used to talk pretty openly about this supplement. I can't remember if it is essential (diet-provided) or non-essential (body-created). That, in my opinion, matters because I'd be concerned in taking a non-essential long-term as it may adversely impact your biology to create the amino acid later. But...I haven't looked at this for a long time. This is very interesting news.
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