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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 4 months ago
    I'm not waiting for the manure to hit the mower, I have already begun to fight starting at my local level which will keep me busy for a while with all the dirt in my county. We've already had the Texas Rangers here and I've heard the FBI is involved now.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 3 years, 4 months ago
    Defend America or "reset" seems like a false choice. I think reason is slowly (over centuries) gaining sway over the whole world. But it's far from a guaranteed evolution. I'm generally optimistic, but sadly I don't think big leaps forward for liberty will happen in the US. I'm not sure where it will happen because there's no place distant enough to be left alone but close enough for trade and investment. In science fiction the next frontier is in outer space, but space is way to far and impractical right now. Maybe that will change with some technological leap in the next few centuries.
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    • Posted by $ jbrenner 3 years, 4 months ago
      CircuitGuy is right on this point: Defend America or "reset" is a false choice. Circuit Guy is wrong on this point: Reason is gaining sway over the whole world. We are accelerating toward the dystopia that Ayn Rand wrote about in Atlas Shrugged.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 4 months ago
        Note his point "over centuries." A few centuries ago, Taliban behavior would be the norm, with what we regard as civilized attitudes in a minority of nations at the time. We're less than 500 years from the Salem witch trials in this country, e.g.

        Are we headed toward a dystopian situation, as you observe? There are indications that we are once again backsliding into a romance with authoritarian government as the solution to all life's problems. Combine that with a refusal to acknowledge the hard rules of economics (Modern Monetary Theory, cryptocurrency), and you have the prime elements for societal collapse, so yes, a dystopian situation could be developing.

        Is a dose of reality pending, and could the path to recovery be a violent one? One has to happen, and the second is a possibility, as humanity tends to reach for desperate solutions when a conflict of ideals occurs.

        Once again, much hinges on the behavior of superpowers. Unfortunately both China and the current US administration are not on positive paths. Xi Jinping is acting more like an emperor, threatening the nations around China and making the PLA unhappy at the thought of violent confrontation. The Biden administration is exercising the usual craziness of trying to make the US internationally inoffensive, which inevitably leads to other nations trying to grab power. Either nation could invite a blowup, which could be big (nuclear) or small (local, myriad grinding conflicts).

        We don't have much influence over China's internal situation, except to send the message to Emperor Xi that military conquest is not acceptable in the modern world. However, for that message to be delivered carefully and surgically, the US has to be perceived as responsible and credible, neither of which is believable under the Biden administration, which is overflowing with incompetence.

        Hopefully, the path to sanity remains, with enough mentally stable voters this next election to place competent, credible government civil servants in place to restore internal balance. I believe in the original vision of our Founders, which is that the people have to hold elected officials accountable and constrained, and I hope that vision can be restored.
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        • Posted by $ jbrenner 3 years, 4 months ago
          This meme from DOBrien's post symbolizes the "progress toward reason over centuries":

          A few good centuries can be undone VERY quickly.
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          • Posted by 3 years, 4 months ago
            When I saw this Meme as you call it, the ONLY thought I had and as I just saw it again so my thought is STILL the same. I wanted to go to this auction site and facing that mongrel muslim, reach in and pull his heart out then before he died show it to him telling him, YOU wont need this where your going! The look on this little girls face his heart wrenching. This meme also reminds me that this is the same trouble we have had with muslims from the day the US was born. They have not changed and will never change. Ask any USMC soldier where his Marine Corp Hymn came from and he will tell you, From the Halls of montezuma to the shores of Tripoli. Long before our Marines were doing battle in Tripoli human beings for centuries have been attacked, captured, held for ransom, enslaved, even murdered by muslims. The black slave market the world loves to blame on White Americans to this day did NOT start with White Americans. Rather it started with Muslims who paid or in some fashion convinced black natives from one tribe to capture black natives from other tribes for the muslim captors. Then taken, sold or murdered on a regular basis. Today Muslims STILL practice the work of enslaving or murdering white humans. In their worship book to alla they are told it is their duty as good muslims to convert all to muslim faith. Those who do not convert may be murdered or turned into slaves. I was born on a USAF base in Morocco, I later lived near Tripoli. I am well aware of what muslims are and I am not misinformed.
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        • Posted by LibertyBelle 3 years, 4 months ago
          And just why are so many people here willing to buy products from that totalitarian state, thus financing that government which enslaves people?
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          • Posted by 3 years, 4 months ago
            The people you are referring to are the same people who are the result of being dumbed down. People such as myself who do NOT buy or promote such purchases are from the old school who KNOW better. Was that simple enough for you? I don't know how old you are but you also fit into one of the two categories. So do you buy or refuse to buy these products or services? That will tell you a lot about yourself.
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            • Posted by LibertyBelle 3 years, 4 months ago
              I have long refused to buy products from totalitarian states (especially China and Vietnam). But it gets very difficult. I need to get a phone; it seems that it is nearly impossible to get a cell phone not made there, and even if it could be done, what about the battery? So I have been bumping along with a landline phone which doesn't ring if someone calls me, and giving my neighbor's phone number (with his permission) to call me on. (As to where HIS phone was made, I don't know and haven't asked him.) Would be glad to get a used landline phone, if it were not made there.
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 3 years, 4 months ago
          "I believe in the original vision of our Founders, which is that the people have to hold elected officials accountable and constrained, and I hope that vision can be restored."
          I really want that, but ewv convinced me that it must come from the people accepting the vision of a constitutionally-constrained liberal democracy. A Constitution can't force people to follow it. More than ever in my life, mainstream candidates for office don't even give lip service to limited government; it won't happen through voting. I'll keep contributing to reasonable candidates, but I have no faith it will make a difference in these long-term trends. As soon as polls start saying people are concerned about liberty and the framework that constrains government, that's when there will be change.
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          • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 4 months ago
            I hope you and I are both wrong about how apparently indifferent the American voter is to the approaching chains of authoritarianism, but we saw how a populist president was resisted vigorously, both by the residents of the "swamp," and by a large part of the public. Sad to say, but the desire to relinquish personal, individual responsibility seems to be the dominating trend today.

            Fundamental, radical change doesn't happen when people are destitute, but when they're too comfortable. Humans tend to be a reactive species, which is what made us strong survivors, and when there's a lack of stressors, even minor disturbances become magnified. When "microaggressions" become perceived as big a problem as starvation, things get seriously tilted in the direction of artificial crisis, demanding leadership that offers even more comfort for the already comfortable. We're inviting dictatorship, seeking a national "parent" to tell us everything will be fine if we're obedient children.
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            • Posted by CircuitGuy 3 years, 4 months ago
              " We're inviting dictatorship, seeking a national "parent" to tell us everything will be fine if we're obedient children."
              I think this a very real risk, a huge risk. I think part of it comes from as an indirect consequence of handheld video devices. You can give them to kids in places like the grocery store, and it will entertain them so they don't wave their hands and knock things over or hit people by accident. But then they never get the lesson that they can take action (waving their hands) and actions have consequences, so you have take action responsibly. I think this trend continues throughout childhood development. There aren't as many kids out playing in the neighborhood, and many of them would be scared to do anything without supervision, so if parents want them off handheld video, they put them in structured activities where someone tells them what to do. Adulthood is terrifying when it arrives because they've never taken the baby steps that come before it. As you say, people want a parent. I think this is one of the biggest problems the world faces.
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              • Posted by DrZarkov99 3 years, 4 months ago
                Absolutely agree with your observation on this one. As one who grew up well before the computer age, i was exposed to a lot of things that required immediate decision on what I should do myself, without supervision, based on prior experience with parental guidance. It was the exercise of those incidents of personal decisions, and the consequences that gave me confidence and a sense of individual freedom. Children today are a result of the second generation of video device rearing, and are prime candidates for becoming obedient subjects of the parental state.
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          • Posted by 3 years, 4 months ago
            Two things Sir, 1) the US Constitution, The Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights (and Responsibilities) were never designed or penned to "Force" it's citizens to do ANYTHING. It is in fact a guide for a Free Peoples on how to live, interact and get along with other Americans, even with people in other Countries. 2) Liberals refuse to understand that America is NOT a democracy. It is a Republic. I can think of one reason they believe this, it's because in our Pledge to the Flag it says Quote "And to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God", and Politicians no matter who, republican, independents as well as Liberals are now a Godless people who seek to destroy America.
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            • Posted by CircuitGuy 3 years, 4 months ago
              I consider "constitutionally-constrained liberal democracy" a form of republic. Pure democracy is two wolves and sheep voting on what's for dinner.

              My old thought on the Constitution was it was to limit what people could vote for. If someone shoots up a school, people might vote to take away everyone's guns and allow the police to inspect everyone's home at will to prevent further crimes. The Constitution forbids that, even if it's the will of the majority. I used to think the Constitution needed to establish structures to prevent people from voting for those government powers. Now I think people must accept the philosophy of the Constitution or they'll just find a way around it.

              "a Godless people"
              The Constitution forbids establishing a state religion, and I'm completely godless.
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          • Posted by LibertyBelle 3 years, 4 months ago
            I suppose we'll have to keep promoting and advertising Objectivism. And, as I have said, promoting one specific measure might do some good--promoting abolition of public schools. Especially now, as more parents have begun to realize what is actually being taught there (due to seeing it virtually), Virginia ex-governor McAuliffe's recent hubristic comment about parents not "telling the teachers what to teach", and more parents starting to homeschool.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 4 months ago
            "Mainstream" candidates are selected behind the scenes. This hasn't been a representative democracy of the people in over 100 years. Yet the people have thus far consented to rule by scoundrels. When people withdraw that consent there will be a chance for liberty.
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            • Posted by 3 years, 4 months ago
              Sir, with all due respect I have to say this. America is NOT a democracy it is a Republic. Other than that I do agree with your comment. Thank you for posting that for all to read. When the Dog Dirt hits the fan I believe that you and CircuitGuy will be on the right side. Nice to meet you.
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            • -1
              Posted by CircuitGuy 3 years, 4 months ago
              " When people withdraw that consent there will be a chance for liberty."
              I would like it to be true that if you just dismantled a corrupt system set up by and for scoundrels, the people would insist on a more limited government.
              Unfortunately I think most people are for government spending and intrusiveness and are socially conservative.
              I definitely would like to be wrong and find out expansion of government was actually a plot by a small group, not something popularly supported.
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        • Posted by $ jbrenner 3 years, 4 months ago
          The few governments around the world that used to be largely consistent with production have ruined more in two years than was generated in a century. If you think America is on the wrong road, look at eastern Australia.

          One of the passages in Atlas Shrugged that is often overlooked is how producers have to plan in terms of decades. This requires a stability that no country on the planet has any more, and will not have for decades.

          It could be reasonably argued that it has been a very long time indeed since we have been progressing toward reason. History does not progress slowly. It moves in great surges of disruption, with technology usually leading toward positive disruption and authoritarianism always leading toward negative disruption.

          The environment for invention is like a recessive gene. When mixed with a dominant gene of authoritarianism, it gets dominated.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 3 years, 4 months ago
            "The environment for invention is like a recessive gene. When mixed with a dominant gene of authoritarianism, it gets dominated."
            North Korea and China try hard to have full freedom for invention but authoritarianism for questioning the government. I think you're right that such a plan can't work well, and that's a good thing.
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            • Posted by 3 years, 4 months ago
              Thank you for being one of a very few on this site who think I have done something or think the right way. You are in a minority. My impression of chinese and north korean leaders Heck I might as well say it, my impression of ALL political and government leaders is that they are little better than being muslims. That may give you an idea of what I think of those kinds of people and muslims is. Even if OVomit was not a muslim (I do believe he is thought) he bowed to them. Which turned my stomach! Bonehead today is not muslim but he bows to OVomit and we all now know how I feel about OVomit. At least 9 years of OVomit/Bonehead have allowed (encouraged and made possible) for undocumented fighting age muslims to enter America. WE -Americans - are in serious trouble.
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              • -1
                Posted by CircuitGuy 3 years, 4 months ago
                "Thank you for being one of a very few on this site who think I have done something or think the right way."
                I'm glad if my thoughts were helpful, but I don't agree with the bigotry and name-calling in your comment. I'm against religious bigtory, for pluralism, mostly supportive of President Obama, and I'm for increased immigration.
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                • Posted by 3 years, 4 months ago
                  I served my Country to defend the rights of ALL Americans to say what they believe to be the truth. I still believe this and will still stand to defend what people say. No matter what. When you say increased immifgaration are you talking about having people come to America and go through the process of becoming an American Citizen or are you for just opening the border and letting who ever criminal come to America and take what they never earned from those who have worked all their life and will not not get anywhere near what they have been told there whole life?
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                  • -1
                    Posted by CircuitGuy 3 years, 4 months ago
                    "are you for just opening the border and letting who ever criminal"
                    I'm for making it easy for people who are not criminals and not looking for a handout to come legally. I'm for a path to legal residency or citizenship for people who've been here under the radar. But I think we should be serious about enforcing the laws against people staying here under the radar and people interacting with them and treating them like an underclass.

                    I think of America as an idea, not a nation, something for all humankind.
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      • Posted by 3 years, 4 months ago
        No, thats not what I really wanted to say. It is useless and ineffective because it is Crude and Disgusting. If the sheep think that by yelling "F" biden is going to make a difference they we are ALL doomed and soon. You want change? Then organize people in all 50 states to march on and into every politicians office and bodily/physically remove them from office. Have them incarcerated and at the same time hold an immediate election to have a new person fill the position. With the instructions to establish the US Constitution back in place and they have one year to work on it before being evaluated and either continue for one more year or be replaced. the total time served can NEVER exceed 4 years. There is not benefit after they leave office. While in office they are given a salary and health only.
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      • Posted by 3 years, 4 months ago
        Your kidding? thats your proof that there is change in the air? REALLY???? thats nothing, it's worthless. trained sheep can do that. Nothing will come of it because there is no plan and there are no goals.
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