Go All the Way, by Robert Gore, Straight Line Logic

Posted by straightlinelogic 3 years, 5 months ago to Government
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ADE is a metaphor for government—they both make things worse. How can benefits flow from coercion and the wholesale violation of individual rights? What gives a small minority the right to coerce and subjugate the rest? Why is the burden of proof always on those who oppose coercion and defend individual rights? Why are those who arrogate to themselves the power to rule by violence never called to account for their many and massive failures, even as the world they’ve created slides into an abyss from which it may never emerge? Why, if people are supposedly unfit for freedom and running their own lives, are some people fit to run everyone else’s lives? Why are words and phrases like “lockdown,” “masking,” “mandatory vaccines,” and “vaccine passports” not treated as the obscenities they are, while words and phrases like “freedom,” “liberty,” “individual rights,” “individual autonomy,” and “personal sovereignty” are freakish, beyond-the-pale concepts that cannot be mentioned among those who consider themselves polite society?

This is an excerpt. For the complete article, please click the above link.
SOURCE URL: https://straightlinelogic.com/2021/08/25/go-all-the-way-by-robert-gore/

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  • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 4 months ago
    Well done. I repeat for emphasis some of what you have already said:

    In the past, any drug or vaccine with such a record would have been pulled from the market after a few weeks.

    They claim the right to lock you down, close your business, destroy your job, make you wear an ineffective mask, stop your life activities unless there is proof you’ve been injected with an ineffective and dangerous vaccine whose makers cannot be sued. You are prevented from questioning or protesting this tyranny.
    They call you selfish for claiming what is yours, the right to look after your health and welfare instead of complying with exhortation and edicts to 'do the right thing'.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 years, 4 months ago
    WHY?...hubris, lack of introspection and conscience, they also lack of mutuality. The latter is evident because they are in fact not consciously human.

    There you have it, full circle, abet, the question is always...what do we do about it, can we fix it, is their perversion inherent of their species.

    I suggest we put that question to the prescription drug addict industrial complex in the hopes they will get a taste of their own medicine...now That would be justice!
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