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  • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
    Thanks for the comments. As in the tradition of Ayn Rand (in type, not quality), in writing "Retaking College Hill" I deal with philosophical ideas and current issues, but above all I am writing a novel to excite and inspire readers. Feedback from those preparing reviews is promising on that score. Publication is Friday; if you pre-ordered the novel, it goes out to you that day. It would be great if it gained enough momentum to become familiar to students and their parents. The "system" is not going to push it unless individual actions make it hard to ignore.
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  • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 5 months ago
    Well done Walter.

    This fact of over-representation of parts of universities by qualified ethnic groups suggests, to some, that it is an issue requiring action by someone and or government.

    I think, not.

    For those who may answer, Yes, should the same thinking apply to basketball, badminton, or marathon running?

    As above but nuclear physics? That would mean a decline in performance in future nuclear power station design and nuclear weapons. Is this acceptable in order to achieve some target diversity?

    That corridor in Bronson House in the 1960s filled with Jewish students, would that situation apply now? I suspect a much greater proportion now of east Asian ethnicity. (I hope no destructive deliberate re-balancing).

    My own experience of NY Jews is less than my familiarity with Singapore. In Singapore, the predominant culture is Chinese, especially Confucian values for work and education. There is a sizeable minority of Indian decent. They have high success in government and the professions and occupy at least their share of senior positions, they speak English and Mandarin like Chinese, work like Chinese, push and supervise their children, and yes the suicide rate of children would be unacceptable to many of us.

    Areas where success depends on culture will be dominated by some groups but this changes over time. Where physical attribute matter, changes will take place but over longer periods of time. Looking at this shows the silliness, as well as injustice, of ordaining some type of diversity.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 3 years, 5 months ago
    I'll guarantee if a few parents read Mark Levin's book about Marxism they'd back off sending their kids to college to get their brains washed. Waste of good money.
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