The Global Sovereigns Handbook-- Free PFD

Posted by MattFranke 11 years, 1 month ago to Books
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This book helped me on my journey to discover myself and the search for reason several years ago. There are many interesting thoughts in here; and this book helped to bring the proper use and idea of "sovereignty" into my life. I thought I would post it, simply to make it available for those who didn't know about it. I would like to hear anybody's thought on it, or if anybody know more about the author, I'm all ears. Enjoy.
Also, the website that this is from has a TON of valuable sources. A treasure chest of free information.

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  • Posted by khalling 11 years, 1 month ago
    ok, I settled in to start and ran into a couple of things that make my spidey senses tingle.
    1. "He has raised three families." Is the author a polygamist? That statement is just odd
    "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability
    to hold two opposed ideas in the mind
    at the same
    time, and still retain
    the ability to function."-F Scott Fitzgerald
    This oft quoted Fitzgerald is the antithesis of reason, and so it is hard for me to want to keep reading...
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    • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
      Agreed, Like everything it must be taken with a grain of salt. Its been a few years since I've read it, but I remember that it made me think, which is why I liked it. I do recall not caring for the author himself much when I read his background. I'll say up front, that the guy is obviously not a strict objectivist, but he does seem to truly be interested in personal liberty for everyone. On your second point, I hate that quote, and agree with the argument against it.
      This stuff is probably pretty elementary around here. But, I stick to my original thought that it may still hold something of value, to somebody here, or I wouldn't have posted it. One should look at anything I post here through that light. I only offer it for the sake of argument and discussion; because as objectivists, are we not here to analyze reality, and all that it consists of, in order to use our reason as the means to determine the truth of it?
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