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Just had to get in the anti-liberty propaganda.
Makary is a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Johns Hopkins is the compiler and distributor of the fake "cases" data.
Dr. Meissner "served on the Food and Drug Administration’s external advisory panel for the Covid-19 vaccines".
WSJ is another mouthpiece of the deep state and its corrupt agencies.
Heil Dictatorship for Government Supported Profit!
Who Needs Free Markets!
Do you think the manipulative pro-fake-vaccine propaganda is coming from the WSJ writers/editors?
So they are all unethical.
The doctors are also guilty of breaking their oath to do no harm.
If we are to have liberty we must be willing to take some risk and resist the dictatorship of the state.
Most will just "follow orders" until there is no freedom left as people did in Nazi Germany.
First they came for the Gun Owners
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Gun Owner
Then they came for the Christians
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Christian
Then they came for the Small Business Owners
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Small Business Owner
Then they came for the Unvaccinated
And I did not speak out
Because I was not Unvaccinated
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me.
I am facing this issue b/c I have two kids going to middle school next this fall, one is 11 and the other will be 13. You have to be 12 to be vaccinated. As Dr. Markey says, masks fourth on the list of mitigation strategies. #1 is mandatory vaccination of the people in the school. Since that's not an option for my daughter, we're stuck with masks. It would be nice if they would hold some classes outdoors on warm days, so they can have a break from the masks.
I am concerned that the schools won't open because of some new development, and if that happens we're sending them to private school. This has gone on long enough. My daughter hasn't been in a school since Mar of 2020. I find this unacceptable. They need to do all the mitigation strategies (vaccines, distancing, ventilation, masks) in place because life must go on.