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Could they have been testing law enforcement to gather intelligence?
I would not surrender my arms simply because I was being told to, badge or not. Why should they when they were doing nothing more than gathering (posturing) in public?
This is literally all the proof we need. And why there’s a small part of me that agrees with defunding the police. Who generally escalate things needlessly. Because “Authoritah”. Case in point.
Happy 4th of July!
Do the things.
And yes, it is perfectly legal to film ANYTHING if you are standing somewhere that you are legally “allowed” to be. Fordyce vs California I think settled that once and for all.
you are claiming a Right to be from another country, say US Law does not apply to you, and walk around on an interstate highway, with weapons??
But, really the whole point is moot. They aren’t the most hated demographic. And, now that the MSM has realized this, the story will be dropped quicker than a hot potato. Because, systemic racism.
no sale
they are from Morocco
they are muslim invaders
However, saying you’re from Morocco and actually being from Morocco are two different things.
If they truly are Moroccan Nationals....deportation. Immediately. But, something tells me it’s a bunch of bunk. Made to seem EXOTIC. At any rate....IF they are Americans, they have Constitutional Rights. I suspect we’ll find out the truth in the next week.
Or, maybe not. Because, the MSM is all like “They aren’t white!?!?l Shut it down.” We probably will never know for certain.
MSM has an agenda. And, reporting the truth, ain’t it.
PS- How did you know Skippy is my favorite peanut butter? And you’re right. It isn’t on sale.;)
How doe this align with the protections of the 2nd and 4th amendments? They we're doing anything criminal or illegal.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
We might consider renaming it Trump’s Gulch.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend I guess.
people will go back to sleep, not caring that there are muslim training camps all over the US