Do As I Say, Not As I Do, You Little People!
I am not commenting on obummers right to have a narcissistic party, to mingle with friends and bootlickers, to overload the environment with a heavy carbon foot print, etc. What I am commenting on is the Leftists rubbing their “I Am More Deserving Than You’ attitude into those of us who battle mask mandates, Karens, Vax mandates, Vax Passports, etc while these Leftists Elitists do as they want, whenever they want, and then have the audacity to play the old “We Are All In This Together” Card.
It’s time to rise up and start shouting “Enough Of This Bull Crap”!
It’s time to rise up and start shouting “Enough Of This Bull Crap”!
Rural folks are tied to a lot of this yet have a lot of options to avoid the mayhem.
"Don't bring your problems out here" is the underlying sentiment.
In my little consortium we are preparing to do without a lot of the things that scale of economy has provided. We are really seeing that the quality of relationships is improving. We have reasonably insulated ring side seats to watch the meltdown.
And in support: You'd not be upset if you did not too.
From The Comprachicos: Rand
Does a child conclude that the world is intelligible, and proceed to expand his understanding by the effort of conceptualizing on an ever-wider scale, with growing success and enjoyment? Or does he conclude that the world is a bewildering chaos, where the fact he grasped today is reversed tomorrow, where the more he sees the more helpless he becomes—and, consequently, does he retreat into the cellar of his own mind, locking its door? Does a child reach the stage of self-consciousness, i.e., does he grasp the distinction between consciousness and existence, between his mind and the outside world, which leads him to understand that the task of the first is to perceive the second, which leads to the development of his critical faculty and of control over his mental operations? Or does he remain in an indeterminate daze, never certain of whether he feels or perceives, of where one ends and the other begins, which leads him to feel trapped between two unintelligible states of flux: the chaos within and without? Does a child learn to identify, to categorize, to integrate his experiences and thus acquire the self-confidence needed to develop a long-range vision? Or does he learn to see nothing but the immediate moment and the feelings it produces, never venturing to look beyond it, never establishing any context but an emotional one, which leads him eventually to a stage where, under the pressure of any strong emotion, his mind disintegrates and reality vanishes?
And so cities disintegrate because minds are dis-integrated from the start.
To see Quid Pro Quo Joe on my TV is to flip him off while turning him off, though sometimes I'm just changing channels with my remote.
Once outside of Auburn folks were downright respectable. Far enough from Montgomery, Birmingham and Atlanta.
Anyone who is directly, or by close proxy, tied to the land for their respective livelihood will be the safest folks to associate with. I have the best of the mix. East central Wi is a manufacturing, agricultural powerhouse. We have timber and mines, or access to mined materials, and a lot of "conversion" processes for just about any material necessary.
Our biggest worry is foraging from the cities when their shelves are empty. Ya see, we OWE "them" our obedient supplying. Lead can be "supplied" at our cost and food can be supplied with equitable trade. Slack bellies are best teachers.
That particular brother got himself killed by falling asleep at the wheel In Franklin, Tennessee, a couple of years ago. His widow now lives close to two daughters in Memphis.
Me dino lives in one of the "satellite cities" that surrounds Birmingham. I live in a nice civilized place just a 15 minute drive from an unsafe place with others like it scattered about.
I've kin N-NE of Scottsboro. AL-ways have a place to go to! LOL
Oh yeah....ROLL TIDE!
Some are even Auburn fans but me dino says "Roll Tide, Roll!" Just watch.
Are "they" even human?
You mentioned things like the pandemic and global warming, which are very serious problems that affect the world. Our actions affect one another, but we're not "in the same boat".
Pandemic and Global warming are scams designed to con vince you sheeple who support the worst possible deletes . We all find it Incredulous that you help put into power by some how thinking they will help.
You are surfing on a wave of terror with no reason and no research. Same group has been screaming for sixty year of our demise in ten year increments. Show us the sea level rise that should have been Flooding Most of Florida and the East coast 12 years ago.
If you want to learn something about yourself see this post from Gharkness It’s titled Mass Psychosis.
Ignore it and be a part of ushering in a Totalitarian Technocracy for your offspring.