Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Decline of the Middle Class - Thanks to Nixon's Ending the USD Gold Standard

Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 5 months ago to Philosophy
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"Almost a decade ago, around the 40th anniversary of Nixon ending the gold standard, we observed that it wasn't just the dollar's convertability into gold that died - so did the prosperity of the US middle class, because while income growth for the bottom 90% had soared ever since WWII, it suddenly flatlined around Nixon's historic decision in 1971; at the same time the advent of the "fiat standard" ushered in an era of unprecedented wealth for the top 1% whose fortunes have exploded ever since. As discussed below, Nixon's decision would lead to monumental consequences for not just the US but the entire world.

Fast forwarding a decade to today, Deutsche Bank's credit strategist Jim Reid reminds us that this Sunday marks exactly fifty years since Nixon suspended the convertibility of the dollar into Gold.

This, Reid goes on, began the era of global fiat money noting that "one of the reasons it has survived so long is that at the start of this period global debt was very low" as his Chart of the Day shows.

Once the "shackles" and policy constraints of gold and sound money were lifted, countries were able to run structural deficits and increase debt to an unprecedented level. Initially, this didn’t have any major systemic implications for many as debt was still historically low. However, the Global Financial Crisis was, in the DB strategist's view, the limit to how much debt a free market could cope with: "A once-in-a-lifetime global crisis emerged, followed by a Sovereign crisis.""
SOURCE URL: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/50-years-after-nixon-ended-gold-standard-one-bank-asks-can-we-continue-do

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  • Posted by Dobrien 3 years, 5 months ago
    The stench from the cesspool Emanates from the ban$ing elite .FED up yet? Precious metals backed currency back in the day Motel 6 was founded in Santa Barbara, California, in 1962, by two partners that developed a plan to build motels with rooms at low cost rates. They decided on a $6 room rate per night (equivalent to $75 in 2021 , which would cover building costs, land leases, and janitorial supplies; hence the company name "Motel 6". $6 to $75 that’s a 1250% increase from1964 to 2021, Another way to Look at it is 21.8% annualized rate of inflation . in 1964 when silver dollars at 90% silver and
    $1 bill were the same value. Those 6 silver dollars today are valued for silver content at over $120. ..That silver dollar today at $20 is very tough to find . Silver up 2000% vs the $1 bill. Or +35.08% for 57 years.
    Good night.
    Calculating from CPI calculator $1 Bought what $8.6668 gets you today. Very Satanic btw.
    Using that data $1 = $0.11 or about 1 dime. Great job FED. Oh btw a silver dime is worth close to $2 .
    1964 Five silver Quarters was the minimum wage $1.25 those are worth around $23 + we don’t need minimum wage we need sound $$
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    • Posted by 3 years, 5 months ago
      Couldn't agree more, DOB. 👍 They bribe con-gresscritters with fiat created from nothing and stolen from the People. It's the way the traitor Alexander Hamilton wanted it but people like Jefferson and Jackson kept getting in the way. In 1913 the bank$ters finally took control and the destruction of America accelerated. There had been no inflation in the 135 years of American history to that point. The dollar had been golden. Since that time the dollar has lost over 99% of its value. The cost of average goods has gone up more than 99 times what it was in 1913. That has destroyed the chances of the American dream for most Americans. We are either homeless (renters) or mortgage slaves to the bank$ters, while local government enslaves everyone with taxes that ensure no one ever owns his own home.
      It's revolting.
      True patriots would be.
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