Fauci Says Now is The Time To Eliminate Individual Freedom in the United States ...
From his statement:
“I’m sorry I know people must like to have their individual freedom… but I think that we’re in such a serious situation now, that under certain circumstances, mandates should be done“
This is from a powerful, unelected official, who is allowed to decide that OUR LIBERTIES AND FREEDOMS are no longer important . Wake up people! Are you going to allow the highest paid, unelected, accountable to no one, bureaucrat to assume power over you and your children? A political tool who will decide what is best for the common man? A solitary human to ignore the Constitution and to dictate to the masses that he has now complete control of your life, your children’s lives, and your children’s children’s lives?
The blood of our Forefathers cannot be allowed to have been shed in vain. Now is the time to stand up and demand to be recognized, to protest, to be heard, and to be respected as an individual, a free individual with God-Given and Constitutionally protected Rights.
As AR wrote in ‘Anthem’, the forbidden word was EGO.
“I’m sorry I know people must like to have their individual freedom… but I think that we’re in such a serious situation now, that under certain circumstances, mandates should be done“
This is from a powerful, unelected official, who is allowed to decide that OUR LIBERTIES AND FREEDOMS are no longer important . Wake up people! Are you going to allow the highest paid, unelected, accountable to no one, bureaucrat to assume power over you and your children? A political tool who will decide what is best for the common man? A solitary human to ignore the Constitution and to dictate to the masses that he has now complete control of your life, your children’s lives, and your children’s children’s lives?
The blood of our Forefathers cannot be allowed to have been shed in vain. Now is the time to stand up and demand to be recognized, to protest, to be heard, and to be respected as an individual, a free individual with God-Given and Constitutionally protected Rights.
As AR wrote in ‘Anthem’, the forbidden word was EGO.
Hang the SOBs.
Regardless of that, this is an example of why I'm against gov't running schools, hospitals, housing, or anything that could be privately owned: You have to do what the gov't says to use them or work for them.. In this case, I think it's a good thing on the surface b/c I find vaccine hesitancy absurd. I think an employer (in this case the gov't) requirement would push people to make the right choice and give cover to those who have anti-vax friends and family. But this power will inevitably be abused.
If those schools were all private, even if they were paid by government tax credits or vouchers, government epidemiologists would have no business telling them how to run their business. He's on shaky ground even now b/c schools don't get that much federal funding. Those anti-vax communities should be free to fund schools locally or privately and not taking any precautions against the pandemic; and of course I would exercise my right to stay far away them.