If you are unable to convince the cattle that it is in their best interest to go into the barn use your electric prod.

Posted by coaldigger 3 years, 8 months ago to Culture
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Those that reach a belief based on emotion and mysticism instead of facts and reason have no means of controlling others that think so they resort to lies and coercion. The founders were mostly Deists and Christians but they tried to create a Republic based on individual rights as its moral premise. The Federalist Papers were teaching instruments that were drafted to appeal to the literate, effective public and as long as attention was given to the core principles, in depth, the system was safe. When reduced to slogans and political talking points, every principle could be skewed by a clever mind to enhance their concept of what was in the best interest of the majority in order to get votes and the individual be damned.
We have been deceived and lied to so many times, it is no wonder that we do not accept anything as being the truth. We are focused on countering arguments that are not fact based and trying to use logic against a foe that has no concept of truth and does not use reason. Our arrows fly into a pillow and not a feather is damaged. They appeal to emotion and set us against each other to deflect us away from them. They are scared to death of January 6 because they know they skipped by the graveyard once but it might not be the same next time. There were outside instigators and some manipulation of the mob that day but the majority were there to express their displeasure without doing any harm. A leader that could channel their displeasure to serious action will eventually appear and the jig will be up.

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 years, 8 months ago
    Well...interesting. I have a few friends who say there will be a SHTF day where people will revolt in mass. I don't think we'll see that. I think the reason why is that everybody has their own "line in the sand" - drawn at different levels of pain. I always thought mine was fairly hard to get to. But, lately I'm seeing "elected leaders" trying like hell to breach it. They want into our bodies now. Once that's accomplished I think it's game over for western civilization. Things will rapidly degrade into hopelessness across the spectrum. Those who have bankrolled everything (the working American middle-class) will vanish before our eyes. Criminals will run roughshod over everything. Government will stop feigning that they are going to help anybody. Note recent supply-chain issues. That's just a little peek of what's to come. It will be just slow enough where almost nobody will react with any severity.

    If Americans can't have any say over their own physical being we've got nothing.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 8 months ago
    "the jig will be up."
    I long for that day and to hang the traitors.
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    • Posted by 3 years, 8 months ago
      If you mean entering the Capitol, marching out the criminals and hanging them on the porch, I don't think that will ever happen. I visualize it and would drive into town to watch but the military could not allow it. I think a leader with the right philosophy could gather a following across the country that could convince Caesar's army to retreat to the other side of the Rubicon, so to speak, protecting America from foreign enemies but refusing to participate in domestic matters. Then elections could be held with no incumbents, trials could take place and appropriate punishment could be meted out.
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