Poor Richard's Print Shoppe - Objectivist Gear

Posted by $ DriveTrain 3 years, 9 months ago
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I've had this impromptu t-shirt/sticker/swag shop running for years but only just now remembered that GGO has a marketplace.


A bunch of stuff I'd been selling earlier was election-related and therefore of temporary relevance, so right now it's pared down to just the Laissez Faire items. More to come as time allows, 'cause I have a ton of ideas and a bunch of oldie-but-goodie designs from the amateur-HTML sticker shop I was running back in the '90s. And most of the shirts are available in a multitude of styles and colors.

Two caveats: On bumperstickers, I recommend opting for the magnetic strips rather than the adhesive stickers, not only for the sake of your car's paint, but because depending on where you live vandalism may be a hazard. With a magnetic strip you can slap it on your car when you get in, and pull it off when you park so that your unattended car is not a sitting duck for some apoplectic American Taliban / AntiFA (Anti-FirstAmendment) thug. Aside from its shirt, the "Idea Whose Time Has Come" variant currently is only available as a sticker - but can be applied DIY-fashion to a magnetic strip, something I've done in the past. The magnetic strip product option is relatively new at Zazzle, so I will work on shifting everything to that format, again when time allows.

Secondly, a couple of years ago I ordered one of my own shirts and noticed that the silkscreened lettering was of substandard quality which smeared with washing. My suspicion is that some worker at the Zazzle factory in Redwood City deliberately botched the job because of the message being conveyed, because prior purchases were normal.

Just this month I ordered two of my own shirts and mag strips with the "Back by Popular Demand" line, and confirmed that the quality is solid. Apparently Zazzle is now outsourcing its physical production to a Texas company (Boundless Networks,) which is a big plus. But given the polarized nature of politics today and the ethics-devoid nature of the collectivist crowd - whose denizens can be working at any given company - I urge customers to sound off and return to Zazzle any item that appears to be substandard in any way.

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