Posted by $ allosaur 3 years, 2 months ago to Government
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Found in my email and article that advises posting a "NO TRESPASSING" sign that may prevent being harassed by vaccine solicitors.
It occurred to me that writing on that sign or another sign "Criminal vaccine HIPAA violators, that means you," may be more specific.
SOURCE URL: https://redrightvideos.com/no-trespassing-heres-how-you-can-prevent-harassment-from-vaccine-solicitors/

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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 3 years, 2 months ago
    I always liked DANGER 50,000 OHMS!

    There's also the radiation warning. BEYOND THIS SIGN THE RADIATION LEVEL IS 100 BE-DOSES.

    That's 100 banana-equivalent doses, where one BE dose is gained from eating one banana, 0.1 microsievert, mostly from K-40. Normal background exposure on our planet is 10 microsieverts. (One hundred bananas.) That number looks a lot scarier if you present it in attosieverts. (Conversion left as an exercise for the socially impaired student.) "Cumulative vs instantaneous" discussion similarly reserved for the geekish.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 2 months ago
      Somehow you just jarred my imagination. Maybe I should put a sign on my front door that reads, "Lost 12-foot long pet anaconda. Please knock to advise owner if you see Hugger in this area."
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      • Posted by $ Snezzy 3 years, 2 months ago
        Some people avoid getting out of their cars when they come to see us. They are afraid of the dogs.

        They are not dogs. They are goats. Fierce attack goats? No, they are merely curious about whether visitors might be carrying goat food.

        One fine day a state cop came to the door. "Your goats were out on the road," he said. "I put them back into one of your pens." Good cop. Two donuts.
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        • Posted by Outlaw 3 years, 2 months ago
          Goats have a reputation for eating anything; therefore, BEWARE if you exit your vehicle!!!
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          • Posted by $ Snezzy 3 years, 2 months ago
            Reputation undeserved. They eat what they choose. Tony Hillerman in one of his novels has a character recite a Navaho expression about misdirected efforts: "Telling the goats which weed to eat."

            They will nibble on anything that looks like vines, for instance the exposed wiring for lights and brakes on your horse trailer.

            Additionally, goats lack upper incisors and thus their bite is not as painful as you might expect. Sort of like getting bitten by a nursing calf, where you can shove your hand down his throat and nothing happens.
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            • Posted by Outlaw 3 years, 2 months ago
              True - grew up on a ranch with thousands of Angora goats. BUT the public watched too many cartoons and watched goats eating tin cans, etc.

              The idea is to put 'fear' into the intruder - real or not. ;-)
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  • Posted by $ BobCat 3 years, 2 months ago
    Signage idea

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  • Posted by Ben_C 3 years, 2 months ago
    Pet Coral snake farm. Enter at your own risk.
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    • Posted by $ 3 years, 2 months ago
      Growing up from being a little kid in what started out as a house in a big woods by a big lake in the Florida Panhandle, I lost count of all the rattlers and cottonmouths I killed on family property.
      Me dino only saw one "red touches yellow kills a fellow" coral snake. Found it beside the door of the house. So you know what happened to it.
      Nonpoisonous snakes we left alone for eating rats, mice and some eating poisonous snakes. There were plenty of both there.
      Now that side of the lake is crowded with neighboring lake houses. I miss my old Johnny Weissmuller Tarzan movie (filmed in Florida) jungle.
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      • Posted by Ben_C 3 years, 2 months ago
        I lived in Jacksonville Florida during the mid fifties. Had a few Coral Snakes in the neighborhood that were promptly dispatched.
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        • Posted by $ 3 years, 2 months ago
          Are there any copperheads about Jacksonville? Never saw what anyone called a copperhead at that lake. Me dino killed one at that prison I used to work at as a corrections officer I think during 1983.
          It was crawling in through the door of C Dorm where inmates live and sleep in bunks when an officer with me identified it as such. I slipped up behind the snake as it paused to check out the dorm with a slightly raised head, took a quick hop and stamped down on its head and neck if snakes actually have designated necks. Told the officer I was with that I was used to killing poisonous snakes.
          It looked like~~
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          • Posted by freedomforall 3 years, 2 months ago
            I think there are some of them by the lake outside our back door. (Water moccasins, too, I think.)
            My friend almost grabbed a small one that was curled on the inside knob of the (2nd floor) screen door. Luckily he saw it before he tried to open the door. Close call.
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            • Posted by $ 3 years, 2 months ago
              The closest call I had with a cottonmouth wasn't at the Florida lake but when I was a little kid playing by an Alabama creek. My dog growled in time to cause me to look down and see I was about to step on a coiled water moccasin displaying its cottonmouth and awaiting fangs. I killed it, of course.
              My second closest call came the summer after I heard a biology teacher say snakes can't spring in the air when I was a teen in the Tenth Grade. I was standing ankle-deep in that Florida lake, trying to flush out a cottonmouth from under shrubbery so my dad could kill it with a shovel on the other side. I used a hoe to chop down on the cottonmouth's tail.
              Well, biology teacher, that cottonmouth SPRANG!!! at me through the air. It passed through space from where I bent my knee inward.
              Snake splashed into water, Me dino leaped to the beach. Snake got away.
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    • Posted by mhubb 3 years, 2 months ago
      do you think these morons will know what a Coral Snake is?
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      • Posted by $ 3 years, 2 months ago
        Here in Alabama I doubt someone stupid enough to be a vax evangelist would know that old saying, "Red touches yeller, kills a feller."
        Just imagined a sign on a box stating, "King snake giveaway. Have one to sic on any rattlers you see while you make your rounds. Reach in. Grab one for free!"
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 3 years, 2 months ago
    I had a seven foot black snake who lived in my courtyard a couple years ago, wish it was here now! We have bats (with their own house), coyotes, fox, and believe it or not, one service guy came and freaked out over locust! It is amazing what city dwellers fear. One lady was scared silly when my herd of cats surrounded her car, would not get out until I called them off. The former sheriff was a friend, and even he was uneasy because I keep a rifle on the wall beside the pool table, his eye kept going to it uneasily. One guy was afraid to come up our driveway, becusue a deer swas standing there!I heard these people are coming out of Chicago, they are not locals.
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