The Wheel of Karma

Posted by TheRealBill 3 years, 9 months ago to Humor
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Putting this under humor because it is funny.

Do y'all remember when it froze here in Texas a few months back? Do you recall how "northerners" were making claims like "our stuff handles the cold" and we were responding with things like "ok, lets see you get a week or two of 105+ and see how your masterful infrastructure handles it"?

I do. I was one of the them. Well, it has happened sooner than expected:

"Seattle’s average high temperature in June is around 70 F, and fewer than half of the city’s residents have air conditioning, according to U.S. Census data."

Those wonderful heat pumps - that work BETTER at higher temperatures and get quite costly (energy) at lower ones aren't good enough for your AC needs? Hmm. Imagine that. Why the hell don't y'all have AC, gawd so much for being a first world country. ;)

"In Portland, light rail and streetcar service was suspended on Monday as power cables melted and electricity demand spiked."

You know ... our power cables don't melt here in Texas. Why are you letting those capitalist bass turds at the power companies use such cheap wiring to save a few bucks for their lobbying and pockets?

"Heat-related expansion caused road pavement to buckle or pop loose in many areas, including a Seattle highway. Workers in tanker trucks hosed down drawbridges with water twice daily to prevent the steel from expanding in the heat and interfering with their opening and closing mechanisms."

OMGLOL you can't even keep your bridges working. What kind of idiot builds a bridge that isn't protected against weather extremes?!

and my favorite...
"“Washington state was not built for triple-digit temperatures,”" (Democratic U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell)

No shit. And Texas wasn't built for single digits. I don't see her rushing out to make her state and its citizens pay for everyone to get AC units and to build up infrastructure that can handle triple-digit temperatures.

I'd probably put good money down that Cantwell was ranting about the "so obvious failures to plan in Texas". Oh wait, IIRC she was doing the even more stupid thing and asking if Enron people were involved.

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  • Posted by Lucky 3 years, 9 months ago
    Yes. good point.
    Remember, heat pumps are a class of machine, nowadays usually powered by electricity, that includes frigs and aircon.

    Cannot find the ref at the moment ( ?)
    but these high temperatures, have happened before, every 30-40 years?
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